Reparations is pretty much the agreed upon primary empowerment strategy of Black America today. An effort to get the United States and various corporate entities to pay Reparations for historical damages done to African Americans.
First let me say that I support the Activists engaged in the Reparations Movement, which is most everybody. Mostly cause I don’t want folk jumping up and down on my head like they do whenever I bring this issue up.
But I do not think that Reparations are an effective 21st Century use of our Movement time and energies.
Those familiar with my position on the Longgame (11/17 Post) know that I think any Empowerment Strategy should have as its ultimate intent the shaping of future black generations into the kind of people we would our future generations be.
Otherwise its just Shortgame, Defense and the best you can hope for with a strictly Defense Strategy is status quo. And status quo don’t get it.
Let us not even deal with the problematic logistics of Reparations.
The problem with Reparations is what does it train our generations to be. Better Beggars. Because that’s all Reparations is. Begging Whitefolk To Save Us.
And yes, I have heard all the rationales. 'We not really asking for money.' 'Its not about getting a check, not really.' 'We are asking for Commitments.' 'Government this and Government that' 'Land' 'Policy Influence' 'Accountability' 'Acknowledgement' 'Investment in our Institutions' And so on and so forth.
All kinds of semantic wiggles to get around what it really and essentially is. Begging Whitefolk to Save Us. Period.
What happened to Self Determination. What happened to Kujichagulia. What happened to Black Power.
Whatever happened to Community Organizing. If all the energy and efforts we putting into Reparations was put into Institutionalizing Ourselves and Organizing our Community for Power we would be much stronger for it.
And I know that there are folk still doing other Organizing, but by far the bulk of our Hopes and Dreams have been laid on Reparations and everything else is considered supplemental.
Lord Legba, how did it ever get to this.
Previous highpoints of African American struggle trained us to be a stronger people. Abolition. The New Negro. Civil Rights. Black Power. What do Reparations train us to be. Better Beggars.
About the only real function Reparations has as a strategy is as an Organizing Tool. It seems to be great for inspiring folk to get involved and to maintain engagement. Getting Paid seems to work where Vision, Destiny, Commitment and the Survival of Our Generations just don’t get it.
But what we should be asking of our people is the kind of long term dedication to Empowerment and Achievement that will make our peoples a strong people, our generations strong generations. Not no external pie in the sky expectation of whitefolks saving us. Giving us what we need.
Even if we did get Reparations of Some Sort it would no more change the concrete conditions of Blackfolk than getting one of George Bush's taxcut checks.
And now we got folk falling out over who gon have control of these imminent goodies.
How did we get to the point of our primary Empowerment Strategy being dependent on what whitefolk did or did not do.
Instead we should be focused on Empowerment.
Whatever our Strategy for the 21st Century is going to be it has to be some complex blend of Empowerment. Political Empowerment. Social, Economic and Cultural Empowerment. Personal Empowerment. International Empowerment. The Proper Use of Economic, Political and Social Resources.
You name it, Empowerment will cover it.
Surely raw survival is no longer sufficient. The real question is will we survive as a distinct culture and peoples. Will we grow and evolve or will we wither away and disappear. Times Hard for Blackfolk. Around the world Times are Hard. We got to make the strong moves Blackfolk or we going down.
Wherever you got Blackpeople in the world they are on the bottom of their respective societies. Everywhere. Cant blame Everywhere on nobody but ourselves. Somehow some way we must finesse the weaknesses that have crippled us in global competition.
And that wont happen standing on the corner with a tin cup in our hands.
We got to play for the Longgame, Blackpeople. The Survival, the Prosperity, the Empowerment of the Black Generations.
Any Empowerment Strategy we develop should both serve its immediate needs and also be designed to shape our generations into the people we would them be. Otherwise it will be finessed, co opted and counterfeited by our enemies and competitors.
There are alternative modes of mobilization. I say we consider the security and prosperity of our generations the Prime Directive. I say we calm, cool and coldblooded. We remain forever vigilant, we maintain an ever evolving, multifaceted strategic posture - some moves bold and strong, some hidden in shadows, some waiting silently in the wings - we grow in power.
Masters of the Longgame.
I saw we forge ourselves (and our generations) into a strong people capable of finessing any challenge. Be it human or natural. Be it KKK or AIDS.
I say we take the highroad, Blackpeople. I say we take responsibility not only for our own destiny but for the Destiny and Well Being of all peoples and all Jah creations great and small.
To Lead You Must Serve.
My Ultimate Game is that Blackfolk be so strong in spirit, so powerful a people that no matter what the governing system we find ourselves part of -
no matter where in the world/cosmos we find ourselves in the foreseeable and unforeseeable future -
that blackfolk not only survive and prosper as a race and culture but that they are illuminated and empowered, forces for justice and righteousness in whatever type of social system they find themselves part of.
Or Create.
And Reparations? Begging? Waiting on Whitefolk to Save us? Letting our Moves be Dependent on what Whitefolk Do or Don’t Do?
No. I Dont Think So.
As long as everybody else wants to do it I will go along with the Program. I dont want to rain on nobody's tactical parade and theres more than enough Struggle to go around. At our best we are a race of activists and we wont ever always agree on effective strategies.
But the old rootdoctor is not convinced that Reparations is an effective or even viable Primary Strategy. I wont waste my time with it and I will not be afraid to say what I think about it.
Yall can give me the Look if you wanna but its just Begging. And that’s all it is, Begging. I don’t care what you call it or how you justify it, its just Begging.
And I hate to be the one break it to you Blackfolk but Begging Whitefolk just don’t get it. It never did and it never will.
Is this the best Post Most-Favored-Minority Empowerment Strategy we can come up with for the 21st Century. If it is, God Help Us.
We got to do better than this Blackpeople. Work with me.
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