Rough Ride
Its been a bad week. Between Haitis descent into chaos and Ralph Naders revolutionary egotripping its been one of those weeks make you want to crawl back under the covers and sleep it off. Wake me after the election.
Kerrys Liabilities Election: 2004
According to folk from the Nader polisat link below, Kerrys liberal voting record are going to be a serious problem when folk really start focusing on him during the real election. Another commentator says that for the Democrats to counter Bushs National Security strength they are going to have to position themselves as more hardline than Bush is and that they might not be able to stomach the level of demogoguery that will entail.
So far Kerry has positioned himself as much more of an internationalist in his attempt to out National Security Bush. Hopefully that will fly but we may have to be prepared to hear some questionable positions from him. National Security is a real issue that cant be swept under the progressive rug. What positions will he take on Civil Liberties. On the use of Force. How far are we willing to go to oust Bush.
Joke of the Year: Nader Clone is Running Again.
Im convinced that this is not the Ralph Nader that we used to love and respect. Im convinced that this is an evil clone substituted for the real Ralph Nader by the Heritage Foundations Re-elect Bush Committee and programmed to run as a Spoiler every 4 years.
Revolutionary fundamentalism and runaway egos are a toxic mix. Fortunately he will not be anything nearly like the force he was 4 years ago. My daddy used to say Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.
The Nader Clone will fool only a small percentage of the Fundamentalist Left this time. And if they that lame we better off without them.
But then again, some folk say he got Game. One commentator said the only thing certain is that this is going to be a twisty election and we best strap in for the ride. If Nadir (sorry, I meant Nader) is the biggest bump in the road we doing fine.
British Spying on Kofi Annan 2/26
Ex British cabinet minister Claire Short in a Guardian interview exposes British intelligence spying on Kofi Annan as part of the push to get UN backing for the war in Iraq. She says she has read transcripts of Kofi Annans conversations.
An embarrassed Blair has dropped charges brought last week against the leaker of a memo proving American/British spying on Security Council.
Short also comments on the intensity of the pressure bought to bear on African countries to back the UN resolution on going to war with Iraq. I am proud of the African countries for being able to resist the pressures America and Britain bought on them. They thought the Africans would be susceptible to financial and diplomatic pressure but they stood firm with the rest of the world in opposition to Bushs discretionary war.
She puts all this in a context of a web of deceit woven by Britain and America to shill the Iraq war. When asked what should we do now, she replied, "I think the good old British democracy should keep scrutinizing and pressing to get the truth out."
Guardian: "How? There's been a lot of it and a lot of people are beginning to say look we've heard it all, we've had the war let's put it behind us, Tony Blair certainly wants to put it behind us."
CS: "Yes, but the tragedy is that Iraq is a disastrous mess. Ten thousand Iraqis have died, American troops are dying, some of our troops have died, the Middle East is more angry than ever.
I'm afraid that the sort of deceit on the route to war was linked to the lack of preparation for afterwards and the chaos and suffering that continues, so it won't go away, will it?"
Bush Vulnerabilities 2004: Addicted to Lies: 2.6 Million Jobs, Yeah Right
They just don’t get it. They are so used to governing through unreasonable projections that they cant swear off them. Their latest job projection is that America will gain more than 2 million jobs before the end of the year. This is clearly ridiculous and for once (because Bush’s credibility has been an issue) the media called them on it. They as yet don’t understand that what has worked so well for them to date will no longer do so.
There has been a consistent Bush Administration pattern of the Big Lie. Two years ago Bush forecast 3.4 million more jobs in 2003 and a budget deficit of $14 million. The economy lost 1.7 million jobs and the budget deficit is busting $500 billion.
This willingness to lie without shame has been consistent throughout his presidency. It has been reflected in the WMD buildup to the war in Iraq and the recent protest by over 100 prominent scientists regarding the Bush Administrations pattern of abusing science to promote their right wing agenda.
I hope they continue to stumble and expose themselves. They are addicted to political lies and don’t quite understand yet that they aren’t going to be allowed a free ride on that any more. Or maybe Im the one whose fooling himself.
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