wow, almost a week since ive posted
spent the weekend buried in rest for the weary
got my structurals done for this draft, now im redpenning
clocked some pages (25) but everything else suffering
bes that way sometime, ima desperate man and
im taking no prisoners
supposed to be critiqued at my brooklyn workshop sunday
so im using that impetus to clock pages - then going to
ursinus college for a black history month reading -
so ima be doing my roadwarrior thing next week
(its fashionable these days for postblack blackfolk to
dis black history month - aping white racists
and crouching their determination to be postblack
in crocodile concerns about cramping black history into one month
but as a 2nd string black artist ima tell you if it wasnt for black history month
we wouldnt get NO play - long live black history month)
now i got to do schoolhouse catchup but im still
squeezing pages
so ima do some quickies and im going back to work
will link and refine later:
oil companies announcing record profits
exxon i think has 40% over what they had last year
so remind me again why the republican congress
felt the need to give them some 40 billion in tax cuts this year
these last few years have been a civics lesson in
one party rule, specially when its a party as ruthless as the gop
bush incompetency continues to grow apace
with his totalitarian instincts
and ruthless incompetency is the worst of all worlds
we got the still growing fiasco in iraq
we got the still growing fiasco in the delta
we got the still growing fiasco of the budget
we got the still growing scandal of torture
as american policy and folk trying to impose
their fundamentalism on the rest of us
got the nerve to be complaining about fundamentalists
taking over in iran, iraq and palestine when they just
as bad themselves - has the whole world gone fundamentalist
on me
and we got the simplistic attempt to export democracy
in the middle east which never was a real strategy
it was like the musical chairs justification for invading iraq
remember, they just kept trying reasons until one worked
more or less
is this somebody we can trust w/health care
not based on the medicare drug bill we cant
no way im watching the state of the union
just dont think i can take it, buncha smirking lies
and okeydokes, im tired
and my heart is not really in this post
im going back to work, see if i can clock
a couple mo pages
maybe later
latest mark foire cartoon:
greater georlandia and the holy roaming emperor
2 am and the schoolhouse got me humping
a couple of quickies and im going back to bed
apparently bush administration had fair warning
of the katrina catastrophe in a report by homeland
security issued as the hurricane bore down on new orleans
a report that predicted all that came to past
in spite of mr bushs chronically misleading lies on abc sept 1st:
'I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees"
no, what actually happened is that he just didnt care
a reprise of the osama bin laden warnings, remember him
wanted dead or alive?
apparently the bush administration thinks they can fool america again
with the rovian campaign to justify the 'terrorist surveillance program"
terrorist surveillance program? - they think a little verbal paint can fix anything
you know what amazes me about this is
that he can be so intent on 'spreading democracy' in the middleeast
while showing no appreciation for democracy here in america
those of us who do care have to maintain the counterargument
that this was wrong, cause he trying to run the okeydoke again
and once again hide totalitarian misconduct behind the fig leaf of terrorism
hopefully the american people are tired of it
and notice how the officer convicted of murdering the iraqi general
got his wrist slapped while the enlisted men/women of abughraib
got 10 years hard labor for following what we know to be orders
from on high
they sometimes seem to hate regular folk
the very ones most susceptible to the bush administration okeydoke
the very same ones they think will fall for the 'terrorist surveillance' okeydoke
folk been conducting polls about whether the spying if okay and getting a 50/50 split
when what they should be asking is if its okay for the president to willfully break the laws
of the united states whenever he feels like it
history is going to be amazed at what we let the bush administration and
their pet congress get away with
what else
apparently the gop leadership of the house and senate in a closed
conference from which both democrats and the public were excluded changed
some energy bill in favor of a 22 billion giveaway to the energy companies and
me and bonnie got the highest utilities bill weve ever seen this month
whats wrong w/this picture
oh i guess its obvious im going to try to play w/color
tried it once before and abandoned it cause im concerned about my gravitas
but im also an artist and i want to play
as for now im going back to bed, call myself gon get
up and do my daily 3, but im just as tired as i can be
good novelwork this weekend, finish bouke and
christophers manuscripts before schoolhouse consumes me
the board of destiny
this the way i see the world, its like this cosmic gameboard, i call it
the board of destiny and all the players are on it, playing and being played
and the longest most comprehensive game wins
encompassing human destiny and subsuming all others in the sheer
comprehension of its vision and its moves, so their games just feed yours
and you are the center of the universe, its fulcrum of reality
the conjuror
if you play the game well, everybody on the planet
works for you
mustang sally
i can see it now
the wicked mr picket
him and mustang sally
riding that classic pony to glory
interesting phase of life when the legends of your youth
start checking out - the oscar browns, the lou rawls and
wilson pickets - gon be my generation pretty soon
best i get my work done
the return of the ownership society, strike 2
oh goodie
bush is about to try to do to healthcare what he tried to do to social security
privatized health care accounts
designed to shift healthcare from jobbased share-the-risk formats
to individual pays all health costs out of pocket for a tax break of some sort
overtly designed to eventually replace health insurance, medicare and medicaid
w/privatized health care accounts
another ownership society proposal
theyve killed off pensions, tried to kill social security and now they want to
kill off health insurance - hopefully they are once again out of step
"the average american isnt interested in bearing having more of his or her skin in the game" says robert resschauer of the urban institute, "they already think they are paying plenty for healthcare and bearing enough of the risk as it is"
also im pleased that he is trying this now
the american people are so ADD that i was concerned that by the time
the elections roll around they will have forgotten issues w/the giveaway drugbill
w/social security and katrina and probably be dulled to the daily drumbeat of
the dead in iraq
hopefully this classic bushmove will fan the flames
i wish it was a little closer to november but you cant have everything
in struggle
let me see if i can capsulate this for you
black ops in haiti designed to prevent election
of rene preval in upcoming haitian elections
and intercept haitians fleeing at sea
and no telling what manner other skullduggery
some questionable operation called CAG
consultants advisory group
and another called top cat marine security
which does the intercepts (and been accused of
being careless w/lives of said refugees)
cag seems to have top level us security clearances and so forth
and pulling down big bucks in haiti doing strange & questionable things
this blogger looked up their whosis (whatever that is) and not only
are they sharing a url with a known phising site
but they apparently were formed a week before blogger
looked into it (apparently when some covert operation doing
same thing got busted and disbanded)
they been monitoring rene prevals functions
masquerading as journalists and top cat apparently
has a contract for intercepting haitians fleeing at sea
the american backed government is afraid of rene preval
as aristides chosen successor and moving heaven and
earth to keep him from wininng the upcoming election
now i generally am not down for conspiracy theories/reports
cause bad conspiracy theories can lead you into the wilderness
but this one is tantalizing and i would like to know how
to do this whois search cause i like to think i know everybodys
secrets - the bush admin aint the onliest ones like to
keep they finger on the pulse
but security seems to be this bloggers turf
my concern of course is that the admin is not really interested
in porn - but that recent moves to monitor web are just part of their
totalitarian instincts to big brother americans into a proto-policestate
they may be sincere about thinking its a security measure
but they arent above using it as political cover like they did gay marriage in 2004 elections
and arent above using the information to bring totalitarian heat on anybody who
effectively questions their policies like they did the cia wife
and i fear that any effort on my part to find bush administration secrets
will result on my google searches being targeted
(well at least microsoft, aol and yahoo searches - hangtough google)
but ima look thru this persons backposts and see how she
gets her hot little hands on inside information
the fact that the header of her blog advertises 3 scifi books
is not encouraging but i will see what skilz i can pick up
been thinking as i discuss w/ colleagues the concept of
hoodoo secret societies how to deal in information
some time ago when i was a literary cub back in the city
i used to have an investigative op ed column in new yorks
black american newspaper called crosspoint
had to let it go though cause it was a full time job for very
little pay, but in my little heart of hearts im an oldschool muckraker
dealing in secrets
and trying to shake it up
(if you got any secrets please pass them on to me
i would love to put them in play for you)
gon take all day today as noveltime
what the hell
dont be evil
you would think theyd chill
already underfire for illegally spying on americans
and claiming the president is above the laws
but apparently the bush admin asked internet providers
to provide all their addresses (the providers bargained them down to a mil)
and all their searches for 2 months (bargained down to a week)
the score
yahoo folded
microsoft folded
aol folded
"googles acceding to the request would suggest that it is willing to reveal inforrmation about those who use its services. this is not a perception google can accept."
the bush admins explanation for why they need it is shaky
and we know we cant trust big brother w/all that info
hard to believe in ethical corporate personas
but with the kind of power in the hands of internet providers
im so desperate to hear that a provider stood up to big brother
that im gon take it at face value
go google
aint nobody in here but us chickens
apparently the sudan is the host for the african union meeting this year
by tradition the host country becomes the leader of the au for a year
as you can imagine there is some controversy over giving this post to the sudan
apparently the sudan has gotten the backing of east african countries
and probably that of the north, but the south and the west are balking
it would be a travesty of incredible proportion to put the fox
in control of the henhouse
a country that conducts genocidal wars on its black african population
precisely because they are black africans cannot be the head of the african union
in its inception there was debate over whether the au would be a strong central governing body
or a weak regional association - buncha weak states jealous of their postcolonial autonomy
chose weakness
the au is not taken seriously, only recently has it bid to be
a serious institution
if it allows the sudan to take control
i will dismiss it altogether
and look for another savior
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