hello world
and all its generations
im grooving eric wainaina twende twende, a downtown
nairobi find
i ask the clerk who would appeal to a man what like the blues
she came thru
worked on the prophetic thread in rest for the weary on the
way home - the planetime, airport layovers, etc
got to figure out how to dramatize his prophetic mode
how lack of facetime w/god cause him to wonder about his prophetic credibily
want to run some riffs on god the universe/gods of humanity
on god the universes neutrality - i believe we on our own
you align yourself as much as possible w/the natural laws
you hope for the best you prepare for the worst
the universes equilibrium sometimes require
that planets die and shit happens
riff conjuration as finessing reality: bending it to your will
magic as making real that which was not - conjuration as godwork
okay, thats what i want the prophetic thread to manifest
also needs to manifest his cultural strategies of empowerment
of taking care of the tribal soul in the 21st century - his longgame
what i got to work with is an aspirant hoodoo prophet who
calls himself using magical mythwork to shape future realities
operates spiritworld as hoodoo prophet but afraid to publicaly declare himself so
does not want to be buked and scorned and prefers shadow to the spotlight
meets a woman he tries to impress by stepping up and going for the gold
getting old and feeling if not now when - gets buked and scorned
got a metaphysic attitude towards god: interesting phenomena
but lets not get carried away
adjust yourself to current understanding of god/the natural laws
and hope for the best - but that blind faith thing, that dont move him
the high magicians question: whats in it for me
my boy jubilation tucept highjohn, highmagician and wouldbe
prophet of the hoodoo way
is concerned that he has to his knowledge never actually
heard from god - which strike him as problematic for a wouldbe prophet
everything else he got - he got the vision, he got the strategy
he got the skilzs, the charisma, the fire in the belly, he got the power
but he aint got god
what kind of prophet is this
that aint a prophet thats a hustler
now if you think, as a good metaphysician should
that everything in existence is a manifestation of god the universe
well then you always getting messages from god
but actually communicate with god?
well surely thats an experience of a different and
recognizable magnitude
and how does one know if its actually god or
just your magical imagination running away w/you
youve studied the formative dynamics of various religions
you know how this god thing works in the human condition
blind faith and understanding dont mix well
you see what im saying - this might be esoteric to you
but for a wouldbe prophet & novelist thereof this is critical speculation
so in rest i got legba and oshun vying for his prophetic services
(love and power/trickeration)
i got him in contention w/traditionalists in hoodoo and various african systems
dancing on the cutting edge craftwise he loses professional standing and perplexes fanbase
basically he in contention w/everybody as he tries to bend reality to his will
most fundamentally a high magician: a hoodoo sorceror aspiring to prophecy
sorcerors and prophets use the same skilz
just one works for self and clients, the other for god
tribe and all humanity
folk think prophecy about foretelling the future
when its more about connecting social behavior w/destinic consequence
suggesting cultural strategies to finesse generational challenges
based on the deceptively simply claim god told me to
once prophetic authority is attributed by a population
the prophet is exempted from tribal constraint and given sayso
it is expected that you will forge new ground
build new paths of empowerment and illumination
you are allowed and expected to speak truths
folk beholding to various systems cannot
you are given the
propehtic dispensation
it takes awhile to establish prophetic authority, you got
to have the vision, the prophetic voice/skilzs, the charisma
got to have the power (cant fake the power)
then you operate in the prophetic mode no matter what reality say
(conduct yourself as you aspire to be and you shall - this is
the essence of conjuration)
you create sacred texts designed to evolve with time, the prophets
true instrument - texts that will speak to all the generations
(cast your vision young hoodoo, as far as you can see - determine
the challenges the tribe will face - prepare the tribal soul to meet them)
you try in your life to exemplify the value of your practice -
you give good, timely strategic and spiritual advice
no matter what you are
consistent in this
over the years the few folk that do listen to you prosper
they are empowered, illuminated, healthy wealthy and wise
aligned with god the universe/god within
effective in the world/at peace within
you have provided a way
hopefully your contribution feeds the tribal soul
and enhances the human condition
hopefully at some point before you die
(or after if necessary - if its gotta be that way)
you are given prophetic dispensation by the culture
to say the unsayable - your voice/your words valued
to future generations unto eternity
visions they live by - dream by
master of the longgame
so the question is how do i dramatize that in rest for the weary
ive been focused on other components of storyline
prophetic thread just narrative placeholders now
but while trying to figure how best to use all the forced time of
intercontinental travel - planetime, airport layovers, etc
i decided to work prophetic thread and make it viable narration
have to have his failures as a wouldbe prophet break him, this failure
to have a more personal relationship with god has some potential
to move toward some subtle godsoul moment
for both highjohn and reader
without dying of literary corn
so this what i got to work with:
i got legba and oshun in contention for his services
i got him in contention with various cultural, spiritual and political traditionalists
i got him leaving his fanbase perplexed when he moves into prophetic mode
i got him feeling frustrated, buked, scorned and ignored
i got his conjurations of future realities through hoodoo mythwork
sorceric and prophetic mode actions and stories as storyteller
directed ponderings like current effort
(some of these others might strike you as familiar)
all within context of futurescenarios of an academic couple on an academic planet in far future
studying influence of old earth deltamyth on various stellar civilizations and ideologies
got to weave all that into a dynamic narrative mix
that provides reader w/subtle godmoment (among other things)
what i did was go through manuscript adding raw passages of the
prophetic dynamic wherever i saw a spot the manuscript could take one
- a worse mess of narrative porridge you never saw
but its the first step, just carve out raw narrative real estate
then go through trying to make them work - work it work it work it
ima spend this strange just got off the plane day in that zone,
squeeze monday too maybe, maybe one more week before i start
focusing on schoolhouse - cursed schoolhouse calling me
tick tock tick tock
working that would be a good end of year closeout
a sense of victory i didnt getting slogging thru passage on lamu
that was narrative/scene slogwork,.detailwork - this would be concept work
adding structural/literary/metaphorical layers - highwire stuff - this what i call fun
work that into a dynamic mix viable enough to be a true and rich narrative thread
and i will feel good about the year
i suspect this post too self referntial, too esoteric to be a viable post - i lose readers
when i get self referential and/or esoteric but this whats gon be on my head this week
- trying to work this god thing
god is difficult to do well in fiction,
the corn factor is fearsome and almost inevitable
anxious about this one, important i get this one right
what if i work it hard as i can and it still comes up short
anxieties like this pretty consistent and would be crippling if i let them but i dont,
i just accept them for what they are and keep on pushing no matter what
take an act of god to stop this show
i remember one time im crunching an end of year deadline
and i had it in my sights and i was deep in the zone and i knew wasnt
nothing stopping me from making that deadline
as part of that zonepush, i was working out heavy
then boom my gut popped and i had a hernia and the doctors told me
i had to get cut right away or it would pinch and there went my deadline
thats when i realized that sheer determination wasnt always sufficient
that there are forces out there greater than my will
as a young lion/sorceror this was a revelation to me
i thought i was exempt from the rules govern regular humans
as a prophetic lion in winter it no longer is
id like to get right with the god thing
bummer is that this adds months (if not years) to an already indeterminable project
but it is so integral to the novels vision i can not deny it time/attention
but i will be so glad when i get to point where this novel stops growing
where im just dotting Is and croossing Ts
i will never finish this novel if it keeps evolving
at some point its got to stabilize
god help me it does
when you gon give me a break partner
a service pin or something, im
really tired, im weary in my soul tired
bout 20 more years of this
and ima be ready to quit
hanging tough
rickydoc trickmaster
wouldbe prophet
of the hoodoo way
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