hello world, washpost had an article yesterday on black blogs an obama
had a link to the afrospear in wikipedia and it was news to me, out of the loop again
its just so hard to keep up these days, but i got to get in the mix
man, who got the time, but thats where its happening and all those links i got to incorporate
when i started blogging there just wasnt that much happening and its partly my insularity that keep me out of the loop, got to step up
washpost article named blackprof, jack and jill, africanamerican political pundit and field negro
wikipedia article named a bunch more but since i had links to these already
i went and checked them all out, but it was field negro tickle my fancy
man this race is getting ugly, and it dont look like obama gon win this one
the clintons have played the race card, knowing it will work against him to remind folk he black - and now obama getting down and dirty with the king and queen of down and dirty
it was probably inevitable, if he was to win he would have to be even more down and dirty - if you gon be president of the united states, its a dirty job
but this race has scratched the surface of civlity and so much rancor coming out
you wonder if maybe now is not the time, but that aint gon stop me from
trying, followed a link to obamas website the other day, i might sign up for one of the
newyork syracuse area obama groups, do some duty, help put newyork in play
and i need to get that edwards quote up in here, his little sneaky im the only whiteman
quote, his way of reminding folk that he is a good old boy at heart
something along the lines of as the only whiteman in the pack
he is the only one who can compete anywhere in america
got news for you john: some places in america being a whiteman aint that much
of an advantage, i need the quote, but who got the time for piddling stuff
lot of speculation in the community about whether black folk will
support hillary if she wins, some say blacks most loyal of
democratic groups and will hold their nose and vote for the clintons anyway
dont know about this black, cant imagine sitting it out and letting republicans
have another 4 unearned years but dont see how the massa and missus
clinton can make nice after this one, at least not nice enuf for me
oh im sure they and their trained negroes will try to mend
their political bridges but the clinton machine has turned me off
wonder sometime how toni morrison feel about her black president comment
i keep waiting to hear what she got to say about this - ishmael reed checked in
will post his comments very soon, its kinda long so its gon get
a post of its own, but this what rickydoc flowers got to say:
if america truly wants change, if this is the election of change, clinton redux is not it
if bubba clinton is all over the election like he been he will be all over
her presidency too, ms independent has not been showing much
independence, it looks like the bill and hillary show all over again
and if there is one thing that will energize the republican base
its the bill and hillary show all over again,
instead of looking to the future
weve decided to return to the past
and a continuation of the cultural wars that
bush, clinton, et al personify
im all for a woman president, but maybe we should wait for
a real independent woman instead of a political wife
and a much too classic two for one deal
the clinton marriage is very compicated
perhaps too complicated to allow it to once again
to shape our history and our destiny as it has before
do we really want to go thru another 8 years
of wondering what the definition of is is
do we really feel like 4/8 years of bill clinton
in the whitehouse with nothing to do but meddle
in struggle
hello world, took these quotes off a fox news blog of all places
i keep trying to back out of this thing, but it keeps calling me
just so many issues playing out, post race empowerment, africanamerican identity
in a multiracial world, post partisan politics, 21st century progressivism, etc etc
i keep trying to step away, i keep hearing echoes of the warhorn
this is a significant and possibly even seminal historical moment
this here the crossroads
when destiny lies in the choice of the moment
dont know these quotes hold up so i dont testify:
ima call it on the nature of fairytales:
“…any vote that may lead to war should be hard — but I cast it with conviction.”
– Hillary Clinton, October 10th, 2002
“That’s what I’m opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not
on reason
but on passion, not on principle but on politics.”
– Barack Obama, October 2, 2002
in strugglerdoc
african voices just put out their special sekou issue andim not in it, thats a bummer, i remember deciding i didnt
have time to refine a comment, hate i missed that one
check it out if you get a chance
in struggle
hello world, back in syracuse and trying to swear off commentary on the primaries
its kinda depressing, obama just lost nevada and hispanic support/vote, thats a bummer
but obama got more delegates somehow so he still in the game but losing hispanic support hurts,
the repubs anti immigration rhetoric has soured that repubican initiative
but conflict in the trenches has left the black/hispanic alliance in shambles - gon take a lot of mending on the part of black/hispanic progressives to fix that
so now obama focusing on that black vote, which is a two way street for somebody who selling himself as post racial racial
not walking away from fact that he is a black candidate but not selling himself as a black candidate either
its a twisty little minefield and some of his efforts to walk thru it have been awkward
other day i read where he lauded ronald reagan as an agent of change, must be going for the reagan democrats - apparently he was trying to say that the repubs have driven the political idea market for
some 20 years now and we got to usurp that, at least i hope that was what he was trying to say
but you got to be careful man of how you say it, might as well written the clinton machine an invite
im still supporting him, still hoping blackfolk come thru for him if nobody else does
but lauding reagan might be a little too nuanced
old rickydoc stepping back into observer mode on this one
he got my head, but ima hold on to my heart till i see how this plays out
south carolina will be a chance to judge his stealth game, will this ex voter activist
turn blackfolk into a powerful voting block or wont he, we got the numbers, just aint had the will
we could be as powerful a voting block as the jews we play it right
whatever i got to get back in my novel groove in spite of semester having started
spring semester always rough which mean work gon be a struggle and posting gon be spotty
my readership been falling lately, maybe because my posting been spotty
or folk dont particular care for my style, whatever, im tired of worry about it
i got three issues i deal with, literature, hoodoo and politics, all fuctions of the longgame
been political lately, which might bore the hoodoo folk and the literary folk
not much i can do about that
this posting thing kinda like writing fiction
i do it because i have to, not because it pays
speaking of which i think im going to dedicate this week to john o killens, a true visionary
adam banks is doing babajohn as part of his rhetoric class this semester
so i got babajohn on my mind, nice to see him getting some respect
adam is one of keith gilyards troop and fact that keith has done a book on johns
rhetoric and is working on major bio of john has probably played a role in that choice
thats cool too, adam always does a community version of this class and my attendance
be spotty cause my discretionary time so limited, but this time i will be there
i got a lot to say about babajohn o killens and i want to hear what other folk got to say too
surely this will rededicate me to the work, thats what everything be judged by you know
and on that note let me try to clock some pages
like babajohn taught me
all my love