okay, man woodsheds are sheer monotony, you work all day - clock a couple of paragraphs
and you get up the next day and just sit there at the SACRED DESK one more again
clocking paragraphs - if you lucky - i may be mortally bored
but im clocking 6, 9 and 12 hour days - this is a good thing
i be telling my students to use these breaks to clock pages
and they just go out having a good time with their little breaks,
they aint desperate yet - got all the time
in the world
okay, some quick commentary from a desperate man - go endeavour go -
space is the place yall - got to get off the planet
for i would ye be a starfaring race
it is the geas of rickydoc
spitzer on the other hand has crashed and burned - gon give up governorship for reduced charges - unless politicized justice dept decides to stick him like he stuck others
got wallstreet SINGING DINGDONG the wicked witch is dead - hubris of a high order (no condom?) has brought down one wouldbe hero - nuance another
in the case of general fallon of centcom, it was nuance did him in - last november fallon was in hot water w/bush for telling the egyptians there would be no war w/iran
too many hotspots in the middleeast he say, with "five or six pots boiling over our nation can't afford to be mesmerized by one problem."
got in trouble w/bush when he told the egyptians to chill: "I don't want them to get too spun up," but "washington interprets this as all aimed at them.
Instead, it's aimed at governments and media in this region. I'm not
talking about the white house."
but like the general who said it will take hundreds of thousands
of troops to pacify iraq, bush dont like generals who speak truth
to the people, congress, their soldiers or anybody else
he prefer lapdogs like powell
yo obama, scoop fallon up w/the quickness
before hillary do - or even worse, john mccain
in the name of the conqueror
hello dear regulators
obama howling for clinton to reject and denounce ferraro: this is tacky
forced and petty, catch yourself my brother - get your game on
dont get to wrestling w/pigs
you just get dirty and the pig enjoy it
this what she said:
"if obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. and if he
was a woman, he would not be in this position. he happens to be very
lucky to be who he is. and the country is caught up in the concept,"
so what man, who cares, you know you got a little something something
that nobody can deny, dont get caught up in the tit for tat
i aint saying dont slap down the strategy, ferraro and the clintons trying to wave the
battleflag of affirmative action in front of resentful workingclass penn whites
note it, counter it, press on - the more of an issue you make it
the more racial it becomes - which is what they want
stay on the highground brother - you probably seen this quote from greg craig
state dept during the clinton admin and now a supporter of barck obama:
greg say she wasnt no player
“she did not sit in on national security council
meetings. she did not have a security clearance. she did not attend
meetings in the situation room. she did not manage any part of the
national security bureaucracy, nor did she have her own national
security staff. she did not do any heavy-lifting with foreign
governments, whether they were friendly or not. she never managed a
foreign policy crisis, and there is no evidence to suggest that she
participated in the decision-making that occurred in connection with
any such crisis. as far as the record shows, senator clinton never
answered the phone either to make a decision on any pressing national
security issue — not at 3 a.m. or at any other time of day.”
now thats tough - that other
thing, that feel kinda petty
so, what do you think about the new graphic lick
just trying something out, SEE IF IT HELP the numbers
probably work against me, like every other
time i deviate from the beaten path
but i do like to play - and i do consider myself an artiste and this a Work of art - so ima play with it awhile, see if it evolve, tried it once before and dropped it - i fear it lacks gravitas
we will see - okay obama has finally shot down the clinton vice president offer for the trash it is
called it the okeydoke - which is what i often call
bushs tactics: trying to hoodwink the people
and the latest from senator monsterspin is to count 3 categories of delegates, pledged, caucus and super
she say because the caucus process is fundamentally undemocratic - ie not breaking for hillary - the caucus delegates should be
counted as unpledged - this must be some kind of liars primary where you change the rules at whim - one day they will
overplay their hand - the people
or the superdelegates - will say enuf
hello world, hope things well with you
im pretty mellow, its springbreak - bonnie went
to visit the folk, just me and the cats
barbarian time: i might not shower
dont need no stinking shower
mini woodshed yall and crunching pages
so far been disciplined, nothing but pages
well more like paragraphs - but you get the idea
with this blog lately and everything im feeling like what the fuck
am i doing, aint like nobody paying attention or nothing
i think i be wailing
but my lack of significance in this primary
frustrate me - i want to give advice, i want
to speak for the people
be the voice of tribal consciousness
went by field negros joint yesterday
man he got damn near 100 comments per post
i aint even got 100 regulators, my books out of print - its like i aint here
world treat me like i aint got action - like my words mean nothing
no mojo
this simply will not do - no no no - semester been slack
last 3/4 weeks schoolhouse took it all
catchup time - 6 days just me and the Work
focus rick - dont nothing Count but getting this novel done
im tired of this 2d string reality
whole world can kiss my dusty this week, this week its
my world: rickydoc on a sungun: looking for the ZONE
you need to crunch some pages, son
all my love
hello world, okay just to prove its not obama 24/7
when you got a couple of spare hours check out
the maap site, mapping the african american past - a multimedia
exploration of the history of black manhattan from columbia university,
or if you dont have that kind of discretionary time
and want to knock off something quick and dirty
for wouldbe middleclass memorists who dont feel like
creating their own tale of exotic degradation
23/6 has a memorist kit for you
they also had a cute little bit redpenning sam powers resignation note
behind calling hillary a monster - but it was maybe a little too racy for me
some folk say the monster comment was the obamas camp way of saying it
without actually saying it - a little crossgame in a cynical world
i can relate - i want to go full bore on clinton but i keep
restraining myself, kinda in the same bind obama is in
cant really clock her because i dont want to be
accused of sexism, but being seen as venal
dont seem to faze her at all
i put it 24/6 hit up, i took it down
guess im just going to put the link up
then claim it wasnt me who did it
and look here o man needs to shutdown clintons obama-clinton routine
thats just another uactic to make folk think voting for her gets both
everybody knows bill will be her real #2, possibly her real #1
in struggle
hello world, well on to penn, boy obama slipped up and withered
under hillarys negative onslaught, he gon have to unleash his inner
chicago machine pol - and not make stupid mistakes like nafta
how many votes coming in from canada, that was unnecessary hubris
from whats been a tight campaign - cant be stumbling about when
lowblow hillary looking for blood - shes given up contending
on the issues, its strictly tear him down now -
as for the charge obama only winning states that dont count, those are the very states that willbe in contention - calif and ny aint in contention
hillarys claims to macho experience wont get far against john mccain - obama can go head up over the independents who will decide this race
whats interesting is that desperate republicans have put their maddogs into the kennel
but for democrats look like the politics of personal destruction still getting play
this is a big misread of the national mood - folk tired of it - god, 7 more weeks of it, i cant imagine
and boy obama gon have to punch back, while looking like he aint - this gon get ugly
got rightwingers like rush ecstatic: "look, half the country already hates hillary, but nobody hates obama
yet. hillary is going to be the one
to have to bloody him up politically. . . . it's about winning, folks"
boy obama gon have to get tough w/o getting nasty
cant let clinton drag him down to her level
you stay on the highroad dawg
let rickydoc handle the roughstuff
so me and bonnie, we having a political argument right
she says to me, if hillary wins there is no way i will vote for her
not after all that she has done
i been pondering that myself
but i say - unless obama ask us
bonnie say not even then, not after the way shes gone about this
and i say but what if obama ask us to, if obama is willing to
bury the political hatchet i will too - politics
she says no, not even then, ive had it w/hillary
this from somebody who was iffy back at the beginning
about which one she would support/vote for
well i have too i said, nothing but contempt
her and her supporters, nothing but contempt
but if obama does win, i guess its okay for hillarys
folk to sit it out too - to let bush/mccain and
the republicans back in for 8 more years
i cannot contemplate such a thing - 8 more years
of this
just vote, i said, not support, never again - and
only if obama ask us to, sincerely ask us to
she say i will if michelle ask me
i say - deal
in the name of the conductor
mother tubman see us thru
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