this the traveler knows: strategy
is the key that opens all locks
okay, look like its gon be a knuckleduster, look like hand to hand
inch by inch, step by step - delegate by delegate - on to
pennsylvania - and look here, no more mr nice blogger
they want knuckleduster then knuckleduster its
gotta be, boy obama want to be president he gon have
to show some steel - if he cant handle lowblow hillary
likely wont be able to handle big dogs on
de global set - lets see what you got, son
focus dawg:
1st test: 1st of many:
knuckleduster time
in the name of the conqueror
let the hordesman be
rickydoc trickmaster
wouldbe prophet of
the hoodoo way
hello world, not feeling that magnanimous towards hillary today
clearly she is going to fight on till the last dog dies and it feels
she has roughed boy obama up a little bit lately
(helped by snl and the daily show)
but i should have expected no less i guess, can only hope
obama wins both texas and ohio and stops this farce
the personal ruthlessness of the clinton campaign has soured me
i expect the politics of personal destruction from republicans not democrats,
its like evidence of what obama, and the american
people, would like to leave behind
other day hillary say when asked if barack is muslim, well not to my knowledge
o thats cold, im just tired of it all now and can only hope obama
can hang in there and not get weary, he will have to show some fighting
spirit i guess cause it look like hillary gon keep on coming at him
and i guess thats understandable - im that way myself, wouldnt be a novelist
unless i believed in hammering my head against that wall till something give
15 years i been working on this novel and in my heart i know if necessary
i would give it 15 more - havent done any novelwork in 2 weeks now
me and geo finally finish that application process yesterday but i am
woefully behind in class prep for today, no novel today either
but tomorrow, tomorrow im back in a mini woodshed
so help me god
all my love
hello world, whats the latest
found a cd of mingus piano solos
thats a good thing
last day of initial app readings
thats a good thing
hillary and obama still duking it out
thats bad
and now the clinton campaign say they in it for the
longhaul no matter what happens tomorrow
i can only hope obama wins w/large enuf margins to call this a day
folk try to equate obamas support among white men and hillarys
with white women as evidence of sexism but i think its more that
older whitewomen are her most dedicated base -
if she wasnt their great hope she would have been cut loose by everybody
by now - but they feel about hillary the way i feel about obama
do or die - if he makes mistakes he makes mistakes but i believe in him and im
with him irregardless - i have faith he will grow into the role
and i feel sorry for hillarys supporters, i understand their pain
be nice to have a woman president, just wont be hillary, not this time - like jessie and
al, perhaps hillary is just not the one - and her campaign excesses remind us why
or maybe she just ran up on one of those once in a political lifetime phenoms - obama
thats the breaks - politicians have to be just as capable of losing as they are winning, kinda like
your books going out of print, comes with the territory, got to take
the good with the bad - huffington post this morning say hillary campaign
is running on magical thinking, if they say it hard enuf, believe it hard enuf
their version of reality is the reality - problem w/magical thinking is that it
at its best, it has to have some connection, no matter how tenuous, with reality
that has not been the case w/the clinton spin machine, they operate in that
oldschool bush mode, who you gon believe, me or your lying eyes
and they real quick to call people deluded fools - o the real side
the only question left is will hillary go out gracefully or hand to hand
based on what weve seen i fear hand to hand - theyve already started spinning
ohio and texas - if obama doesnt win big it means democrats are reconsidering
i can only hope obama wins big enuf to put this puppy to bed
ima burn a candle
and regarding hillarys latest salvo evoking the bomb and the red telephone
ima quote from an earlier bill clinton: the pre fairytale 1992 bill clinton: the man from hope:
"If one candidate is trying to scare you, and the other one is trying to make you think, if one candidate's appealing to your fears, and the other one's appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."
all my love