SUNDAY: 7:17am: all palf yesterday: ima take today for rest
darfur rebels fight their way into khartoum, what is that about
have to put my finger on that pulse
i think obama should just give hillary florida and mich
wont change the numbers at this point
problem is it will give her new rationales to use
best wait till its a done deal and then be magnanimous
or she will use it to drag down the convention
as for vice presidency, bad idea
cant trust her and
clinton drama too big a price to pay
i predict webb or a woman
obama folk have to be magnanimous in victory
start reaching to disaffected hillary folk
cut back on my own hammering at her and hers
apologize to folk i may have offended
put it down to a slight dose of primary fever
this cartoon is my last dig (unless it get rough again)
im ready to do what it take to make it right
and blacks got to reach out to the hispanics, that relationship has gotten
real ticklish but finessing all this will call for a new political maturity on our part
this election has thrown the game into flux and we
got to leverage the social/political dynamics unleashed
so that we come out of it
a stronger people
one wonders how i can serve that destinywork using
rootsblog as a medium
i have to est rootsblog as the place
where the real deal analysis going down
and anybody want to be in the know
following rootsblog speculations
but how is this any diff from what i try to do period
what do i have to do to serve this function here
this moment and time in the historical flow
what do i have to talk about, what do i have to say
what issues, what goal/product, what tone
etc etc
okay i got to think about this one some more
something important lurking here but i dont have
time to worry it out just now
but i feel power in this one
im outta here
SATURDAY 4:59am: 2 pages yesterday: good to go
need to hit while im hot, quick comment and im out of here
bush admin cremating dead soldiers from
iraq at delaware pet cemetary
callous or incompetent
take your pick
mcbush is going down
him and all his kin
not believing in government is a problem
in folk who want to govern you
by definition they cant do it right
promethus 8 joint: found a young brothers account of an unwarranted stop and frisk in nyc
hillary tells superdelegates if they let her play it out she will play fair - then she make her hard working whitefolk comment
hillarys idea of fair dont leave a lot of room
but the delegates pretty much have to let her play it out
so as not to alienate her folk
so everything on hold while hillary
burning candles on barack
bummer about the folk in burma
gods blessings on us all
FRIDAY noon: clocking pages
FRIDAY 9:16 am: still trying to get into the groove
there was something i wanted to say, some comment
o i remember now, zimbabwe, bad news, mugabe folk
killing and rampaging, this really distress me
so i just read, (netting instead of writing)
that mbeki has gone to zimbabwe to mediate
that was so farcical to me that i had to say so
w/accompanying photo of bobsey twins
fair warning: the conjureman do not approve
i was about to fling some curses on them
threaten to bring them both down (magically i suppose since i have no other power)
but my logical mind was saying embarrassing delusion,dont do it
not in public like that, what i do in fiction
well thats another matter
but i want to try something, start using rootsblog more
directly an instrument of my hoodoo vision
conduct myself more forthrightly the
force i conjure myself to be
i understand the self delusional nature of it
guess thats what magic is all about
sometime it amuse me how i post so religiously
on this blog, like it really count, like this is
literary time well spent, got to trust my literary
instinct on this one, ive never had an obsession
yet that didnt eventually become a contribution
just got to make it worth the time it consume
either its an instrument or it isnt, if its not
a manifestation of power, whats the point
in struggle
FRIDAY: 220 am: novel this morning, nothing else
didnt get much work done yesterday, mostly palf and not
a lot of that, ohwell, some days are diamonds some . .
speaking of work, toni morrison interviewed by time mag readers, say folk who took her comment about 1st black president to be in support of bill clinton
were misinformed she say, say she dont know who he is on the real side
she reflect colored dismay to realize bill just another good old boy w/a plantation mentality
hillarys latest narrative: "senator obama's support among working, hard-working americans, white americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me."
whoever knew, hillary clinton - dixiecrat
hillarys colored minions unable to break free
now find themselves on the wrong side of history
but we all know toni a runaway
toni dont play, not w/her mythwork
we knew toni would cross the river
babies and all
Do you regret referring to Bill Clinton as the first black President? —Justin Dews, Cambridge, Mass.
misunderstood that phrase. I was deploring the way in which President
Clinton was being treated, vis-à-vis the sex scandal that was
surrounding him. I said he was being treated like a black on the
street, already guilty, already a perp. I have no idea what his real
instincts are, in terms of race.
Why did you endorse Barack Obama for the presidency? —Chris Francis Lightbourne, Long Island, N.Y.
thought about voting for Hillary at the beginning. I don't care that
she is a woman. I need more than that. Neither his race, his gender,
her race or her gender was enough. I needed something else, and the
something else was his wisdom.
speaking of breaking free
6 hours novel today, do or die
toni is the truth, u should do a review of my latest book
Posted by: rawdawgbuffalo | May 09, 2008 at 12:29 PM
cremation at a pet cemetary? and that fool was worried about how playing golf looked?
Posted by: omi | May 22, 2008 at 04:36 PM