hello world, my apologies to all the folk ive made feel bad latelycause i been complaining so about reading other folks manuscripts
not really your fault, im just feeling kinda frustrated right now
and fear that ive blown my end of the year woodshed
i think im going to take a hiatus from blogging for awhile
im in a funky state of mind and probably not nice to be near
heading for the delta soon to do the family thing, stalling now trying
to get a couple of days work in before getting caught up in family drama
old boy in a really funky state of mind, aint gon be of much use to nobody if i dont clock me some pages
the 20th, god help me - at about 5 pages a day i could be 100 pages deep into novel
well i got about 20 days left, if i overdrive maybe i can make those up
not likely not when i got to get on the road to memphis
not very damn likely but i got to try, lord knows i got to try
its kinda interesting how very little i care about obama these days
after all that immersement during the campaign,
im gone
i dont have a chance in hell - not a chance in hell
i m redpenning finally but there is no way i will have this whole draft done by jan 7th or so
just no way - the rule is no manuscripts after dec 1st, that gives me a whole month
for the year end woodshed - but this year i kept making exceptions and just now starting
on my push and already its the 20th - what happened to my woodshed
there is no way in hell ima do this, im still going to try and hope for a woodshed miracle, where
i find the zone and just clock pages like a madman but i dont have a lot of hope for this
ima do what i can, but i see im going to have to pull back from discretionary manuscripts
and from any ancillary activity, like that publishing initiative, what was i thinking
if i want to finish this novel ima have to get more ruthless with my time
ohwell, inch by inch and step by step
i believe this call for my boy george hunts bluesworks, cause thats what i got
old boy has got the frustration blues
im outta here
been almost a week, did you miss me, that tina lee seem to be able to wrap
me around her literary finger, tina told me to get back on it w/my posts
and so here i am, i will try tina but im not really feeling it
finally got thru those manuscripts, still got a couple left
but anything i havent done will have to wait until next year
time to get back in the saddle w/novel, i got about 4 weeks i can focus
oops, not counting family holiday time (take a week, that leaves 3)
went to brooklyn for new ren this weekend, took my manuscript, had a few waits
got busy with the redpen, a section i thought needed longhand but redpen got me thru
trying to longghand when i should have been redpenning is part of why i didnt get any work done last week, that and manuscripts
sorry, went jargon on you, redpen, longhand, let me explain some literary tech according to rick
redpen is when you are going thru revising the manuscript with pen in hand, pen on paper,
early stages i can do online but as a passage start really taking shape only hardcopy will do,
its like you got a more intimate relationship with it or something
(dont ask me, its the creative process, it has its own rules)
this draft im doing now mi supposed to be redpenning but sometime you reach a section so bad its got to be rewrote, the dreaded raw manuscript, thats the worst, raw manuscript
so you go either into keyboard or longhand - there are it seems
three modes of production, keyboard, redpen and longhand
trying to do one when you should be doing another is one of the reasons for the dreaded writers block
a week when life is really pressing me is about the most time i will allow myself to not be productive
and its rare that i allow more than a couple of days go by unwrote
now raw manuscript is best done keyboard, when you need bulk words and not worried about the quality
when you just need building material, you just looking for something to work with
longhand is generating raw manuscript when you really need the words to work, you doing bulk but it needs the attention longhand gives, longhand is when you want the brain to play while you write
keyboard you moving so fast you not thinking, longhand you moving so slow your brain has time to play
but the drawback is its slow, its very slow, and you often have to do it over and over, longhand, redpen, longhand redpen, until a passage actually works - at least for the moneydraft
redpen is when you have manuscript and its good enuf that you just making changes
(lately ive been using rollerballs of various colors because i dont know i just like to play i guess)
then one day you have all the sections done and its time to redpen the whole novel, (its taken me something like 8 years to get to this point, sometimes that fact just astounds me)
so then you start brutalizing thru, the goal is to do the whole thing, do not get stuck, do not allow it
the 1st redpen (2nd too) is brutal, what we call bleeding all over the page, but this is the one that makes the draft real because you dont move forward until what you have works
its brutally slow but you see the real novel taking place then (you keep on redpenning drafts until you can read it without cringing, then you got a novel)
so im in the 1st brutal redpen of what i hope is the moneydraft, get thru this one and i got a novel, finally
still weak, but real - a novel
take about 4 redpens before you really got a smooth novel but each one get easier
and easier until you just working the poetry, where one word one phrase will add layers of meaning,
god its sweet then, thats when you enjoy being a novelist, cause then after all these years the novel finally works and you just making it better, thats when you relax finally cause if i die tomorrow this novel is good enuf that i can live with it,
or die with it as the case may be
and arthur flowers will have finally lived up to his literary potential
thats where i will be if i get thru this redpen draft in next 4 weeks
o its showtime
i had a pretty productive semester actually, cause redpen you can do it in snatches
but these last couple of weeks been semester closure and wading thru manuscripts
im burnt out on other folks manuscripts, folk dont want to hear their manuscript dont work
old days i sugarcoated my critiques more, these days i find myself more ruthless in the telling,
feel like im burning up my own writing time helping other folk and i just dont have time to play
ima tell you whats real and if you not interested, thats cool w/me
lets both of us go on about our business
cause ima desperate man, dont know about you but ima desperate man
and this is desperately real to me
literature is a sacred thing
babajohn taught me that helping other folk make books is a sacred calling too
but none so sacred as making my own
closing down rickydocs manuscript advisory shop
showtime for a desperate man
really wandered about on this post didnt i, sorry but this all thats in my head now, how to get some
work done, how to most efficiently use this window of production opportunity, thats all life is for a writer
but i feel like these posts cant all be me pondering process, feel like i owe you some quick commentary:
so the guy who threw his shoe at bush has become a hero all across the east - feels kinda fitting
somehow, sad but fitting, the absolute contempt lionizing him reflects is sobering
obama need to be inaugurated w/the quickness -
okay, this is obviously rote, im just not feeling it, i got to clock me
some pages, god im feeling so desperate you just dont know
ima try to give you a little something every day, my number fell over the last week damn near
by half - its like being a shark in the water, post or die, but i can handle number drops, so what
what i cant handle it seems is tina jacking me up, i will try harder to maintain o loyal regulators
but truth be told, old boy going into the woodshed now
and im not reallly that into you
all my love
so i been reading where the industry going thru contractions
so ive always wanted as part of the new ren movement to have a publishing
capability for literature the industry say no to that deserve to live
so i run some things by new ren, ask if we should consider the possibility
so i ask malaika adero for advice, told her im thinking quality book
every once in awhile - high production quality, high literary quality
works that deserve to live, nonprofit i say
she say we dont need no more beggars, we need businesses
that make sense to me but when she start running down the necessities i realize
thats not gon happen, dont have time for all that, aint got time to run no publishing business
i see what haki has done with third world and im thinking haki did it, i see it can be done,
maybe when i was younger maybe not - i know i am not willing to invest any of my dwindling
years into running no publishing business, thats a joke
but i am willing to invest in extraordinary works of literature that deserve to live
im willing to give that a little attention you see what im saying as little as humanly possible
ima see what new ren got to say, if they aint feeling it i aint feeling it
id like to just keep getting my own work done thank you, i aint got time for diddly
let somebody else do the organizing, im retired, im just responsible for vision these days
but god knows i like being a leader, and leadership has certain responsibilities
certain calls for initiative and sometime sacrifice
for a literary crew to have publishing capability is a sweet move no matter how you look at it
cause im also looking at this in terms of new rens work
of taking the literary destiny of our tradition into our own hands
and not being totally subject to the whims of the industry and the
man that thought feels mighty fine
that feels mighty fine
this newsletter just got sent out by qbr for harlem book fair - lot of good literary intell
i see they moving on the publishing thing too, different orientation same game
african american lit seem to be making some moves
got me sniffing the air, i hear warhorns blowing
QBR/Harlem Book Fair Newsletter - December 2008
1. What's Inside (HBF 2009 Vendor Application; Ready to Publish; Seminars)
2. Bookmark This! (Upcoming Events)
3. EDGE: View & Reviewed (George James; Toni Morrison)
4. Notable (Walter Mosley - The Tempest Tales)
5. Resources, Writing Grants & Awards
To see your announcement in an upcoming issue of Q-WIRED send a detailed
e-mail to [email protected]
1. What's Inside
n A Try-It-For-Free Picture Book. Our mission is to keep you apprised of some of everything that is going on in the black book world. If we can't provide it, we'll direct you to it. We always frame o! ur editorial content with opportunities that we uplift, entertain, and inform. From writer's resources to reader getaways, there will always be something there to get your this: Feeling sentimental? Grab your favorite photos, add a story or two, bind it in a book, and share those stories forever.
n Are you ready to publish? QBR presents the perfect solution for talented and dedicated writers like you who are just waiting to publish: HBF Publishers. Within our supportive community, you can publish books that ! reflect your life in your own voice. Whether you're a first time or prolific author, you're invited to stand up as one of many who share a unique, diverse but united experience. See how it works.
n The 2009 Harlem Book Fair Exhibitor Application is now online! Our early registration prices are a steal and space will be limited this year. We will look to focus more closely on including every segment of the reader market next year. This means there will be spaces allocated for each genre (so we can include a wider ran! ge of books!) Absolutely first come, first served. Register early!!!
n For The Writer in You. HBF Publishers is now offering writers professional advice on how to successfully and profitably bring their work to publication. Lead by noted writing and publishing professionals, our seminars provide detailed, step-by-step instruction and support. All seminar participants receive manuscript review, have the opportunity to publish with HBF Books or HBF/WORD, our poetry imprint, and receive individualized promotional and marketing support for th! eir title upon publication with HBF Publishers.
2. Bookmark This! (Upcoming Events)
The Dallas African American Read-In celebrates family reading and learning, particularly books written and illustrated for younger readers, said Carla Ranger, executive director of DCCCD's office of educational partnerships and founder of the Dallas African American Read-In. "Through the read-in, we share the joys of literature and the legacy of African-American writers with members of the community, creating a celebration of families and friends, based on books, stories, poetry and essays."
The National Black Book Festival (NBBF) is an annual event, sponsored jointly by, the world's largest African-American retailer online, and the Houston Black Expo, the largest African-American tradeshow in the state of Texas. The event is held in conjunction with the Houston Black Expo and attracts a wide array of authors, publishers, book clubs, libraries and individual readers from the Southwest U.S. and nationwide. NBBF 2009 will be held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, Texas.
3. EDGE: View & Reviewed
Interview: Author George James on Surviving Abuse; Finding Love
Feature: Dr.Ononye Tess Onwueme, recipient of the Harlem Book Fair Flora Nwapa Literary Award on The Dream-Weavers and Quilters
Featured reviews:
Fiction: A Mercy by Toni Morrison
Nonfiction: Before the Legend: The Rise of New Kids on the Block and a Guy Named Maurice Starr: The Early Years: An Unauthorized Biography by Tony Rose
Poetry: Hardheaded Weather: New and Selected Poems by Cornelius Eady
Children/YA: 12 Brown Boys by Omar Tyree
The Tempest Tales by Walter Mosley
Mistaken for another man, wily Tempest is "accidentally" shot by police. Sent to receive the judgment of heaven he discovers his sins, according to St. Peter, condemn him to hell. Tempest takes exception to the saint's definition of sin; he refuses to go to hell and explains that he, a poor Black man living in Harlem, did what he did for family, friends, and love.
Should Tempest continue his refusal, Heaven will collapse thereby allowing hell and its keeper, the fallen angel Satan, to reign supreme. The only solution: send this recalcitrant mortal back to earth with an accounting angel, whose all-important mission is to persuade Tempest to accept his sins and St. Peter's judgment.
In this episodic battle with heaven and hell for his ultimate destiny, Tempest also takes the reader on a philosophic and humorous journey where free will is pitted against class and race--and the music of heaven is pitted against the blues.
5. Resources, Writing Grants & Awards
YOUR GUIDE TO WRITING CONTESTS: The Grants & Awards database includes details about every writing contest in Poets & Writers Magazine during the past year.*&
n n n n n n
Deadline: January 9
The National Endowment for the Arts grants $12,500 to $25,000 to
translators of poetry and prose. For more information, visit
n n n n n n
Deadline: January 15
The University of Mississippi gives $1500 and a one-month residency to
a poet working on a manuscript. For more information, visit
n n n n n n
Deadline: January 15
The Hurston/Wright Foundation gives $1000 to recognize excellence in
fiction writing by a student of African descent enrolled full-time in a U.S.
college or graduate school. For more information, visit
n n n n n n
Deadline: January 15
$1000 and publication by BkMk Press is given for a short story collection.
For more information, visit
n n n n n n
Human Rights Watch/Hellman-Hammett Grants give up to $3000 to
writers who have an urgent need to leave their country, are facing a
medical emergency, or are otherwise in dire financial circumstances.
For more information, visit
n n n n n n
The New School invites applications from accomplished fiction writers
with a strong academic or belle-lettristic orientation for a full-time,
tenure-track assistant professor position. For more information, visit
n n n n n n
To see your announcement in an upcoming issue of Q-WIRED send a detailed
e-mail to [email protected]
okay apparently i bloggerized clarence and ascribed a more active role
to that nusiance suit than was warranted, apparently it was filed before him
but it got placed up for hearing on procedure and is likely to be rejected (not news) if for no other
reason than the supreme court got burned last time they stepped into presidential politics
i got 4 areas of interest, politics, literature, hoodoo and struggle, i suspect when im focused on
one i bore the readers interested in the others, dont know how to get around that, i suspect only
other practitioners of literary hoodoo will be interested in all 4
i been checking out that world without borders site, its going to take me forever to get thru that
they got tons of international stories on it, essays and lit crit too, i feel like i should read them all
got this interesting category graphic novels, this one i enjoyed, life of pahe by pahe, i might hunt
it down - im going to put a panel up for you, check out the whole chapter here
apparently the supreme court is holding a hearing of some sort
today to determine if they will take a case on if obama is a citizen or not
apparently this nuisance suit was dismissed once already but guess who
put it back on the calendar, thats right, clarence thomas, are you surprised
hes like that affirmative action guy, connorly, an active traitor to the cause, like black achievement offend him personally
bad news on the literary front, apparently publishing is tanking along with the rest of the economy
with some major publishers putting down a moratorium on new aquisitions, firing folk, etc
like publishing wasnt already hard hit, i got some ideas about that, ima get back to you on that
im doing my international literature course next semester so im about to focus
on international lit so i guess some of that about to show in rootsblog
ran across some interesting translation websites the other day
worlds without borders got some new stuff in translation
apparently three percent website publishes an annual best translated
i suspect i havent read any of them but i will be selling myself as an expert in international lit
in this class next semester and my students quick to see thru pedagogical bullshit
next semester is going to be a heavy reading semester, forms courses always are but i will come
out of the other side an improved more informed mfa teacher, which is impo to me it seems
and hopefully i will come out of the other end with my own work more firmly grounded in international lit
thats the reason i chose to do this class to make myself an expert in international literature
cause i want to understand the global narrative, and how to get
a piece of it
only thing about an intense reading period is that it messes with your own narration
you start lurching about trying new things and adding months to your own draft
its best not to get immersed in other folks works when you hard pressing
but i just dont have a choice, i got to work for a living and this what i do
and ive reached that point in life where my pride my ego is involved now, its important to me to be a
good at mfa level teacher, to impress my students in this case with my mastery of international literature
to take us all to higher ground and understanding in international literture and the global narrative
depicted by it - its like the global story of human condition, the global soul or something
we study it, try to understand it in such a way that we are masters of it, masters
of shaping it, contributing works that interact with it
in effect global shamans
with our fingers on the pulse
creating works that operate in some spectural zone that enhances their compatibility with human destiny
their relevance to the human condition and enhancing their literary significance/success
obviously im floundering here, when i end up rephrasing the same thing over and over like this
it means that im not confident that i have expressed what im trying to say
i will work it out later
i got tons of manuscripts to get thru, most of them committed to in the last couple of weeks
3 novels 8 short stories 1 book of short stories, o flowers, it never ends, it never ends
but you know i was trained by john o killens, the great griot master of brooklyn, john o gave so much
of himself to the young writers who followed him from school to school, he made himself a space
where writers could grow, like some kind of literary garden (i like that, ima use that in rest)
thats the way i honor john o killens, by being a space where writers can grow
look im gone
im feeling funny, im feeling love for everybody, im feeling love for the whole world
i need to get some work done
all my love