so the cop is going, i would have said no myself but its hard to say no to the president
so it will be smirking gates and irritated president trying to be nice on one side of the table, cop on the other
guess they got to play it out, after obama stepped in the slush he had to clean it up somehow
so this fake brewski bit, unless they come out of there w/play dates its all spin
some blackfolk trying to make a case that obama should prove his blackness by taking this up
thats fools game, it diminish both obama and gates to keep playing this beyond its shelf life
ayatollah obama should have stayed above this one, but on it goes, i believe him and gates both trying
to find a safe way out at this point
what about this promo for my girl randys new cd, i agree w/joe, shes a cultural icon, when she sing, yesterday this time i sang a love song but today my souls a litte different people im singing the blues - it makes my heart full
starting to feel sorry for skip gates, from the initial intrusion to the trickbag hes caught up in now, this got to be wearing on his dignity
still feel like its a distraction, one individuals hurt sense of entitlement has become the cause of the moment - a tempest in a teapot, in the midst of major storms
the dancing with the stars school of struggle, more a reflection of americas celebrity culture than it is struggle
and an unfortunate distraction - obama do a news deal on healthcare and all that come out of it is gates gates gates - hope obama focus - the old rootdoctor gon wait for the silly season to end, wait for the media storm to move on
i withdraw previous smart aleck comments about gates - i feel sorry for him,
this a hit on his dignity - skip such an attention junkie he is liable to play it out
i for one will be glad when its over
its just unfortunate all the way around
damn it feels good to be working again, clocking page, slow slow slow but clocking
okay one more youtube and im gone, the no more war from playing for change
i remember when this album came out and it was powerful but after youve looked at a couple of them, well, after youve looked at one of them, the gender imbalance becomes glaring,
still enjoyable, but it could have represented better
been trying to think of ways i can help boy obama get a health bill out of congress
i consider that the most critical thing on the board right not - not skip gates
doris kearns say in the daily beast that obama got to find his inner lbj:
[Johnson] often said that Congress had to be with you on the takeoff so they'd be with you on the landing. That philosophy Obama followed in giving Congress a leadership role in drafting the health care bill. After the debacle of the Clinton administration's secret task force it made double sense. And add to that the understanding that Democrats on the Hill have been waiting for years for their moment in the sun.
LBJ also understood that the president was the ultimate weapon and thus had to be held in reserve until the moment was right, but this is the critical moment we are at today. This is the moment, LBJ would suggest, when the president has to take charge, to draw lines, to pressure, to threaten, to cajole, to exert every resource of leadership he has—to put pressure on wavering Democrats to make it clear that losing health care will be a huge blow not only to him but to all Democrats who were brought into office on the promise of big change, and particularly on health care.
LBJ used to have big charts where he could know which congressman or senator he needed to call at every instant. He would then invite them to breakfast, cocktails, call them at any hour of the day or night. He called one senator at 3 a.m. and said to the senator, 'I hope I didn't wake you up,' and the senator replied, 'Oh no, I was just lying here hoping my president would call.' So this is the moment for Obama to mobilize his troops in the field, to play hard ball, to do whatever it takes to get a bill passed. LBJ once said it was fine if final votes were razor thin, even with big majorities in the Congress, for that meant he had secured the maximum provisions he wanted, rather than compromising too early and too much.
thats what im talking about, showtime
i have health care, my sister does not, 57 year old blackwoman w/o healthcare is a crime
gon send some money, that online petition dont speak to me, make some noises on rootsblog and fb
thats about it, no more than any civilian - this lack of influence in the realworld really irritate the old
conjureman, o i got longgame but i got no power in the world, i try to operate as a public intellectual
and i got a bit of profile, but not enough to affect the reality of things - that really dont do
it dont, it really really dont
i been trying not to hate on skip gates in this his hour of need but
this mugshot was more than i could resist - free skip gates
i suspect folk are going to try to make a cause out of it but its a small matter
i suspect skips towering sense of entitlement aggravated the interaction, how dare they do this to me
skip been up there in harvard so long he has likely forgot how to deal w/cops, something every black man learn
cant help but appreciate the irony because skip thought he was above all that - master of the postrace universe, might be a wakeup call for him but i doubt it
i been rousted myself and got all indignant, do i look like a thug to you - cop say sure you do - duhhh -
that professional black men get rousted is not news, might be news to skip but nobody else surprised
i empathize with him but forgive me if i dont get on the bandwagon w/this one, got too many real issues on the board, this dont barely count as news
man it feels good to be working again
in struggle we trust
MONDAY: 9:57 so far so good
okay, been spinning my wheels for weeks now, so much for this raw manuscript phase, put what i got into the text and keep on pushing, work them out as i go along, i got to get moving again
apologies to folk for manuscripts unread, drafts of projects undelivered
novel been abusing me, and if novel not getting done, nothing else do either
i try, it just dont happen, if i aint writing and struggling, im resting
okay a couple of points and im gone,
1st; glad to see that barack has stepped to the plate on the health bill: dont bet against us he say, we gon get this done
So I just want to put everybody on notice, because there was a lot of chatter during the week that I was gone: We are going to get this done. Inaction is not an option. And for those nay-sayers and cynics who think that this is not going to happen, don't bet against us. We are going to make this thing happen, because the American people desperately need it....
And so I understand people are a little nervous and a little scared about making change. The muscles in this town to bring about big changes are a little atrophied, but we're whipping folks back into shape. We are going to get this done.
thats more like it, this obsession w/being bi partisan has let the republicans jack him up repeatedly, rhetoric will continue but i believe he realize he gon have to ram this one through
last comment today kinda fitting as i gear back into the saddle w/rest for the weary
my boy sekou sundiata died july 18th two years ago, realized it yesterday and it put him on my mind, me and sekou was ace boon, thats my boy and its still hard to believe hes gone, ida thought he was immortal, even w/o his kidneys - me and sekou we lost about 7 prime years to a literary feud - im telling you they aint worth it
you be feuding with a literary companero and then all of a sudden they gone and you be like damn, i just wasted those years, samesame david earl jackson, literary fueds aint worth the cost (im calling these literary fueds but in both cases they started over a woman and escalated, hindsight)
work today, in honor of my boy sekou sundiata - may you live forever in your work and mine
HE WAS THE HARD RIDING HERO OF THE 10TH CALVERY BuffaloSoldier salutes The Spook Who Sat By The Door. The SoulDoctor is right. We need to move beyond distractions and sensationalism like crying
no justice, no peace over the Skippy Gates of the times. Why? The day job of the Soldier is as a
mover. Every Brother I work with has been through the system. I'm up close with their struggles
to gain and maintain perspective each day. The humor they try to infuse in their new found work
ethic needs a better reward than the pittance they work hard for. Most don't have healthcare or
even know there's some kind of entitlement to it. When they heard a work like conviction, they don't
associate it to determination. They think it some kind of criminal status. They don't need to hear
their "leaders" cry Wolf. The Wolf is always at their door. HealthCare in our lifetime! A much better battleCry. I'm BuffaloSoldier and I approve this message.
Posted by: BuffaloSoldier | July 22, 2009 at 05:32 PM