saw on chickenbones, jerryward will guest ed valley voices (?) issue on afroam lit and canon, who got time
for discretionary work, academic no less, but its a chance to explore the (non)canonization of john o killens
as his #1 protege & vitally interested in ensuring babajohns legacy i got to step up, abstract
and bionote to [email protected] by Feb 1, 2011 if anybody else interested
uncomfortable w/the ongoing self exposure of social media
appear to be a dynamic of 21st century literary life,
cant withdraw from the fray and still call myself a player,
nor can i be played - its got to be an instrument
reading over recent post and had to edit out all the whining, this blogging thing sometime doesnt work for me
a little too self referential, buncha me me me, it cross my mind to drop this thing, or draw back and not be so me
but i got a constituency, folk i respect, it appear this part of what being a literary man in my day entail
i claim to be a player, that mean trusting my literary instinct, that mean letting me be me
but ima try a new mode on you, ima go cryptic
thinking about obma 2012, thinking teaparty numbers no bigger than blackfolk, just that they taking care of
business - full service politics, we know how its done, it mean taking time out of my already overextended
schedule to trot on over to ofa and volunteer, keep saying ima do it and never do
but if teaparty takes obama down i will feel bad, felt bad when local dem rep maffai lost to repub by like 600
votes, hell i coulda brought in 600 votes, we not altogether happy w/obamas game but then we werent
with martins either, or malcom, we dont support our leaders till they gone, till our enemies take them down
obama need room to run his game and we need to help him get it, we need to mount up and do it now
long as we cant turn an election obama has to play to the right, this our fault not his
im thinking blackfolk but this go for everybody, if obama goes down we all will suffer