what with the economy like it is, what with the superpacs readying billion dollars worth of attack ads and groundgames
i think we might need to start preparing for the worstcase scenario, president romney and a repub congress
dont get me wrong, im hoping brother obama pulls the hattrick and outplays them all, shine swimming on
but my basic strategic posture is expect the best, prepare for the worst
the odds are against him (and us, real people), the economy is tanking, the republicans
obstructionism strategy is working, both crippling the economy and turning the public against him,
and he got blackfolk trying to delegitimize him, just when he needs us most, i mean
some of them are making a good case, but it just doesnt matter
we all know how the game is played and why he got to play it this way, we didnt send him up there to half ass
we sent him to play the game hard as he could, and on that regard i got no problems with him
i think he doing best he can to be a righteous player, my only objections is that he played weak
game so long after it was clear the republicans werent going to give him the time of day
he clear now but he got no negotiating room, and those blackfolk trying to bring him down
i got no time for your frivolous bullshit, we up against the wall and you indulging in frivolousness
ima come back to all this, ive decided on a new approach, or rather a new approach as come down on me
instead of looking at this weeks post as a string of dailys im going to work on this as an article post until im satisfied with it and then move on
and i guess this weeks theme will be the election, i got stuff i been saving up for nytimes shot i plan to take
but im thinking maybe i should start doing full pieces here, cause i got a little readership, by definition
the best of the best, thats you dear regulators
truth be told who knows what ima do, tomorrow all this might be counterfeit,
im just going w/the flow - see where it takes me
ive come to trust a sense of when im doing what i should be doing as mystically inclined artist
sat down this morning to work on rest for the weary, instead worked on brerrabbit and got some
damn good movement on that project, it leaped into a new level this morning, thats what come from
following the creative flow, the schedule might call for one thing, but then another project says me me
im ready
otherwise you steady on with your scheduled discipline, about to sit down now and do that rest for
the weary push, 4 or 5 hours later,but im still a freeman, my whole day is wrapped around production
not much difference in getting rest push done at 8am instead of 4am
and in the back of my mind im thinking brer rabbit is ready to roll, after ive clocked about 3 - 6 hours of restwork scheduled, ima take a break - and then pick up brer rabbit again, roll w/it till i drop
basically production schedule now is mornings for rest, afternoon for errands and/or nap, evenings for projects
on one hand its been cool that i got an extra year to work on rest for the weary, on the other hand its been nervewracking
sorry, ive gotten lost in production musings, thats what successful writers do, production is all i think about
getting work done, somehow someway, most effectively
everyday, life is demanding its pound of flesh, everyday you approach it with one goal, how can i squeeze some work time out of this day, what is the most productive use of todays work window
and you learn to structure your life around production, you got to deal w/your life demands,
interpersonal relationships, paying the bills, work, family responsibilities, etc etc, etc, etc
but you structure all your responsibilities around the need for dependable production time
and you make it clear to everybody who know you, this time belong to me
anybody you let into your life has to understand this
sorry, now ive gone into teacher mode, i think of this thing as an ongoing modeling in
literary acehievement - for those of my students who wander across it occassionally
i got to go, i got so much work to do
im supposed to be doing this presentation on zora neale hurston in tampa (near eatonville) in a couple
of weeks, been working on it, originally thought to make big thing of her role in literary hoodoo,
im going to crown her as a hoodoo haint (saint/loa) one of the immortal gods of literature
then i was thinking as i was working on it, that its for univ of tampas low res mfa program, a congregation of writers and wouldbe writers, so ive started working this literary motivational component into the presentation
so im thinking, this is cool,, im about to go down here and do this big ritualistic ceremonial performance crowning zora neale hurston as a loa in the african american spiritual pantheon,
like the pope making somebody a saint
im getting paid a substantial amount of money to get up on stage and act out my hoodoo fantasies
rickydoc flowers - the high hoodoo - getting paid - this never fails to amaze me
layered through that ima throw this motivational literary speaker thing on them
that i love doing for would be writers, every su mfa grad ceremony i try to throw in a little snippet of
what it mean to be a writer, make them feel what i feel about being a writer, i could not have
dreamed a better life than the one i have lived, this sacred calling, this thing we do
ima try to convey that, the magic of the literary life, so ably represented by zora neal
when they leave my presentation they will understand what it means to be a writer
i want to inspire and gird them for the rough road ahead, enhance the vision
then ima ask zora neale to join us, ima ask her to bless this thing we do
ima ask her to keep an eye on my young fledglings
as they take that 1st step in the long journey
of literary achievement
i gotta go, i got so much work to do
i will clean this up later
all my love
IN THE 1800s DOWN IN ARIZONA AND MEXICO, THERE CAME A BRAND NEW SOLDIER BuffaloSoldier salutes BlackAmericanFolklore. Once and for all, I don't despise The LionKing. No more than champion boxer didn't despise Jerry Cooney. I just find the timing of his acendency suspicious. As did Holmes of Cooney. Certainly, Holmes figured, there were other worthy contenders available, those who had spilled more blood and paid more dues. So why him and why now? Then there was the torturous reads of both Newsweek and Time magazine. The trumpeting of PostRacial and The LionKing was their poster boy. Yes, sir, Brother. "This is no child of South Side, Chicago, or Brownsville, Brooklyn or North Philadelphia." He was more PostRacial than Tiger Woods, for example, and he didn't stick his foot in his mouth by saying, "I'm Cablasian" They underlying sentiment was "no, he's not one of us, but he's not exactly one of them either." Not exactly. How many of them can claim a direct Kenyan liniage? So we can safely vote for him, show our great liberal status, and still hold that nothing good ever came out of our nation's BlackBottoms. And in the end, we know, that the novelty will wear thin. And he might as well be from those BlackBottoms. It's a lot like when the city fathers see that George Washington High is beginning to fail, so they rename the school George Washington Carver and bring in the first black principal. Then as it completely goes under they can point to the principal and blame his incompetence. "Something we always knew about those people." We and The LionKing fell into a big, classic trap. I think we should have been less trusting and more vigilant. Mom always said if someone seems too good to be true, you better take a closer look. I'm the BuffaloSoldier and I approve this message
Posted by: BuffaloSoldier | June 13, 2012 at 05:56 PM