interesting, working this holybook, starting to get a feel for it
years of work before its done but i can see the potentialities
anyway im like making all these proclamations to the generations
do this, dont do that, so forth & etc - and im very conscious of the hubris it entails
but for me to write convincing sacred text i have to believe w/all my heart in what
im doing, its only by being in that headset that i write viable 'sacred' manuscript, at the
sametime you try to be humble about it all because thats cooler than any other option
and i was thinking about the strategics of getting annointed a prophet, been running
this conjuration for about 10 years now i guess, 1st you claim it, very tentative, you
may have noticed i always append 'wouldbe' to the claim - wouldbe prophet of the hoodoo way
then you start conducting yourself as you think a wouldbe prophet of the hoodoo way should
and you deal with sacred issues in your little daily blog, so folk get used to the idea of you operating
on this plane, and you try to have your little pronouncements be significant and profound, you try to
create works that enhance the human condition, that provide a legacy, and gradually, very gradually
folk start accepting you at your word, i tell myself that i will with my life define what it is that a hoodoo
prophet do
i did it with hoodoo, it was a process being publicly acclaimed a hoodoo in such a way as to get respect for it rather than be cultural entertainment, its been a process, my works, my internet dialogues, my performances, took about 10 maybe 15 years to manifest, where i am acknowledged by my culture as resident hoodooman, what i call the high hoodoo, and by the larger world
not only defining myself as a hoodooman but a different kind of hoodooman,
one nobody ever seen before, a highmagic hoodoo instead of folk
now im running a prophetic conjuration, when the culture annoints you
w/the dispensation to break with tradition and forge new ways
i got a good academic/artistic grip on this prophecy thing, only question is can i manifest
it into the world, but by trying to play it out in the world, basically im doing research for my
novel about a wouldbe prophet of the hoodoo way
win or fail i get to write about it, which is a win, i just love that i have set up a life that allows me
to play mystical games and because ima mystically inclined writer, society values what i do
pays me very well to
live out my hoodoo fantasies
i love it
hello all, want to thank karen and chinelo for trying to
buck me upwhen i falter - good looking out
i talk that i give up talk sometime but i dont pay attention to it & neither should
you - i usually keep that pityparty under lock and key but occasionally
it break thru - been back in the cuse, class starts next week and i been prepping &
moaning the blues - its like i been in another world, sabbatical and a month in china
now im back in the real world, schoolhouse bound, and its kinda depressing,
but i am working hard on the hoodoo book of flowers, should be thru w/this
draft this week, that will be a relief cause its strictly tedium work, one good thing about
'finising' that novel has freed up energy for projects i been backburning
working hard on putting rootwork press & productions together, looking forward to
that manifesting - also finally transformed into a news aggregator site
been wanting to do that for sometime now, figured now would be
good cause look to me like boy obama need all the help he can get
when you get a chance go check it out, its kinda raw now, i figure
just put it up and trick it out as i go, by nov i hope to be primetime
literature is strictly longgame, shaping generations is what i do best
but i want to be a man of power in the world now, rickydoc come to play
my works i call myself planting the seeds of future realities, moves like
this i consider preparation of the ground
i love this piece by tom feelings, of babajohn killens, the great griot
master of brooklyn and my mentor, as a long distance runner
oneday i opened the mail and tom had sent me the original
maybe about a week or so before he died, must have been
on his bucket list of things to do, everytime i
see or use it, makes my heart full
all my love
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