WED 4/9
milky way by mark glee
hello dear regulators, ima have to start putting dates on these posts, have not worked novel or blog in
days - finished all my thesis manuscripts, do ayinde and megan and i will be done w/manuscripts
and ready to get back on my daily 3 schedule, meanwhile lets do some commentary
lately ive had that me me me feeling, lets see if i can change the world some:
israeli/palestinian talks - nobody but kerry expected that to go anywhere anyway, i believe
palestinains gon to have to go for the one state option, be good for them and the israelis too,
one state iran cant smuggle a bomb in
russia: no more giving up crimea than we would texas (if we had any sense we'd let texas secede, too)
russia will maintain soft power on ukraine cause its a border state but invasion is a US/EU deal breaker
central african republic: fucked
pistorious: hoping he dont get away w/murder w/that if it dont fit you must acquit drama he been putting on
dem senate danger: obama datateam must turn out base for midterms but base does not
do midterm well - base needs an attitude adjustment, politics a full contact sport
tenn senate just passed an open gun bill, anybody whomsoever, no permit needed,
next up a billp requiring you fire at least 8 hollow points a day
is this not a cool song, alex boye, saw frozen, enjoyed soundtrack, youtubed opening piece,
alex boye, a black mormon but what the hell, voice like that i forgive him his trangressions
dont know who the other soloists are, if you do, school me