how quickly i have had to abandon the highroad of previous post, the stories that are coming about about this rachel dolezar woman get more and more twisty, the things she accuses her family of, of beating her with a horse whip etc, she might have more issues than i can handle, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, please disregard the previous post, i still believe everything i said in it but this is maybe not my best case example - my bad
I'm inclined to give the lady passing for black a pass, i believe the future of blackness in a growing uniworld culture will depend on making blackness so cool that everybody want to be black, instead of folk being ashamed of their blackness which cause so many folk who do have some black in them to refuse to identify, or go cablinasian/multiculti on us - blackness is so often a state of mind, i know blackfolk look whiter than she does would tear the heart out of anybody try to deny them their blackness and i know blackfolk like clarence thomas who don't identify at all, who actively work against us, folk on the border been passing since we got here, bout time it start going the other way - apparently she has put some time in the trenches and she has emulated the illuminated aspects of black culture instead of coming off like some gangsta wannabe, if blackness is to be one of the definitive cultures of the future it is because we have forged an illuminated culture that everybody aspire to, in an increasingly fluid uniworld definition of race we want to expand our numbers not decrease them and anybody decide they want to throw down with us I'm open to that - I'm willing to let her slide, she maybe went about it a bit twisted but i hope she is a growing breed