wow djenra, sorry about all this wordage but I think you will appreciate this, and right now we project buddies, feeding off each others discipline, process and commitment - so whats happen is I’m in a state of grace thinking how amazing it is the universe gives you what you need when you need it, so im full court pressing my holybook, first thing I did was take all my notes and extracts from olddrafts and put them in the new structure, basically what you will be dong next step, that's why text right now is big unholy mess but what this did was a revelation to me, showed me what really interest me and what doesn't, all the power and illumination stuff (more power) I got pages and pages of notes, but the mundane life, work, family, etc stuff, I got a couple of platitudes and that's it, so it became obvious I was going to have to apply myself there, I don't doubt with stimulation I can come up with text for that so im thinking go to barnes and noble and start reading thru their self help books – thhe day I was going to do that I stop by the local alt neighborhood street fair, folk call it the Westcott nation, and there is a city library there, neighborhood institution, that always has a book sale, im thinking they might have a book or two I can use, they had many, including these history of the world books that are going to come in handy but there waS one, “chop wood, draw water: a guide to finding spiritual fulfillment in everyday life” that is just amazing, its got everything I need to stimulate my thinking/text in these matters, the chapters are stuff like, learning, intimate relationships, sex, family, work, etc etc, the very things I need and just chock full of phenom spiritual advice from all these classic and contemporary selfhelp folk, its going to help me fill a big hole in my text, ima do a full court press extraction this weekend and the next, I want to incorp this with this quickness and move on to some of the historical/mythical stuff, recently ordered old versions of gates Africana encyclopedia, and this 3 vol pan African chronology set, again an old edition, ie cheap but one i can mark to my hearts content, i go by the library and see which research works work for me then i see if i can find them cheap on amazon, found too many truth be told - ima be dug into to research for the next year I think, which is a fucking bummer, this ia all stuff i woulda swore i had enuf knowledge but now that its showtime i got to go deep, so im working text while i do it, cant stay down a year - all that knowledge you be throwing down you must do constant research too but it appears like it all comes to you easy but I know that's just good craft, okay im gone, I was just too tickled finding this book, 1984 no less, 30 fucking years ago and im just now finding it, I feel like one of those long bearded wizards in his aerie surrounded by books and papers and im like, jesus im too old to be stuck in major research projects, everyday im bargaining with god, time lord, give me enuf time to finish these two and we will call it square – im gone, next two days all I got to work before schoolhouse again, I give sun mon tue thur to schoolhouse, wed, fri, sat and sun morning belong to me, which mean both of them suffering from inadequate time and everyday im god awful weary and that dont count domestic obligations, which are ongoing but such is life in the literary lane, im just happy I can swing 3-1/2 days out of the week – hope your project is going as well as mine