i am so totally lost, all these years i thought i had a viable cosmology
or as i like to call it an afromology but this attempt to put it on paper
has given me a headache, i been struggling with existential questions
like how much do i want to give to god when i am essentially a humanist
both hoodoo and the blues situate power within w/no necessity for giving
it to god, but i want the power that god belief gives to folk
without the foolishness but the foolishness is part and parcel
i dont know what to do, i go one way i switch back
all i can do is keep forcemarching thru process and
assume that all these questions will resolve themselves to my satisfaction
my progress has slowed to a crawl because im lost in quandaries that give
me headaches, quandaries for which there is no right answer but im aware of building
an edifice with every decision, okay, im gone, i got to get back to work, im gon
ibayo (interesting, just adding ibayo sanctifies the insight for me)
i think i feel a crash and burn coming on, whereupon you have
pushed yourself and the body is about to revolt and crash on
you and you will be a zombie for a couple of days/weeks but
who got time to be crashing and burning, you keep pushing it
so when the inevitable crash and burn comes its that much worse
but you cant be reasonable about this, reasonable dont get the work done
im gon, i think i need to rest, i think im done . . .
been forgetting to add ibayo to the end of every prayer
i believe it is a yoruba word, akin an ibaye i heard an
ATR brazilian or cuban priest using and i dont even recall
where i got it, one of my earlier performances i was using it
as the christian use amen or the yoruba ashe, my crew often
uses ashe when they godworking but i want to come up with something
that is my own, sometihng hoodoo and not yoruba or congo or nothing
else but hgoodoo so its intersting that its still yoruba based but the
poipnt is not trying to appropriate yoruba culture and ritual and giving
other folk power over us, even if kin
african americans trying to be anything else offend me, yoruba, islamic, christian
i want to give african americans a Way of their own, a spiritual path of their own
was thinking the other day how will i convince blackfolk to move past tribalism
when im the biggest culprit, i keep wanting to seque to the universal but i cant
i got to save blackfolk, i cannot leave them where they are
once i do the hoodoo book of flowers ima go for a universal work
so sat down and tried to do prayer #2, figured I would
sanctify my daily grind, but it was a sterile effort:
let my daily work be my service to thee, o lord
let my daily grind be an instrument of your grace
let me not dispel thy gifts, let me be worthy of thy
service, this task with which I have been entrusted
this task I have so far failed, thru weakness of will
be done, only in your service will I count my days
so i was sitting there disappointed when i had a creative
revelation, where understanding suddenly snap into place
I had been approaching this prayer thing as a literary exercise but I see now what
you got to do is emote from the soul and see what you got to say about whatever
you struggling with in your life in context of dialogue with god the universe, asking
for the help, the guidance, not for me but for those whose responsibility I bear
there can be nothing more essentialist than an ongoing dialogue with god
basically you are reaching deep inside for the most essentialist focus you
can bring to bear on struggling with your personal demons, at the sametime
reaching for the broadest identification w/the universe possible, all in the
name of service to the human condition, spreading them blessings
this evidences an identification with all things, all peoples, with everybody
you know including those who have in some way offended you, those you
need most to reach out to and forgive if naught but in an act of blessing, (yours
theirs) a gift of god you treasure and must exercise unceasingly –presupposing
that generosity of spirit you so value, a self healing
i have put folk dear to me out of my life because they offended
me with what i considered dishonorable treatment, folk whose
presence in my life i subsequently miss
i think how me and my boy sekou sudiata was half feuding when he died
and how much i regretted that, the wasted years over issues that in
reflection meant nothing - forgiveness my friend, gods gift and thine
dear god #2
help me know forgiveness in full o lord
for those who have offended me
as my own transgressions are forgiven please
must I forgive the transgressions of those most
in need of my own blessings, do I not value
my blessings, thy gift and mine, that I would
give forgiveness so stingily
THUR 1/28
my production has slowed to a crawl, im averaging one prayer, one story a day
it takes mental and spiritual energy to generate them from my notes but one a day
will not get me to the promiseland, ima have to reach for another gear, specially
now that school is in full hump - got 12 flashes to breakdown for class discussion at 1230
need to keep forcemarching thru these apps, i got to go . . .
so i been telling myself i would do a prayer a day
in part to forge some prayers for my holybook/way
but also i figure engaing god every day in prayer
will move me closer to godhead
problem of course is that i consider god the universe my goal
instead of god the father or some antiquated such - god the universe
is harder to establish a relationship with but i want
to make myself one with the universe, what i used
to call centering, alligning my spiritual center with the
center of the universe and partaking of the power there
but i have not done any because i want them to be numinous and i am afraid
that they will not and when you trying to encompass the infinite where do you start
but i have to just start doing them and assume i will get better
dear god #1 (1/27)
help me be thy grace, be one with all things that are, all the universe
that is you, i in god and god in me, o god in we, stardust all - ibayo
okay i can live with that as my first one, number them
had 'help me know thy grace' changed it to 'be thy grace'
works better i think, also struggling w/god is me or god is in me
worry about nuances later, got to get back to work, got 80 pages
of fragments like this generated by research of last 2 months
burnt out on research lately, start working notes into text, see
if that puts me back in the groove, im gone
was looking at the piece, editing it when i thought the endgame of 'stardust all' is really nice,
i like it and will leave it but it also equates god w/stardust, though exotic still a physical entity
whereas god got to b spiritual, beyond material form not matter how exotic, i will have to
figure all this out later, the poetry works, i will leave it at that for moment - i got to work on text
put it up on facebook, folk liked it but for those
who objected to me caling god the father antiquated
but what can i do, god the father dont work logicsally
if i want to make god important to me i got to make it work logically
there is much we have learned about the nature of god since the
formative days of religion when god was a tribal god, somebody
you could talk to, worship and beseech like you did your father
but that dont work no more and modern religions twist it
around till it does but i figure i will concept god afresh
something i can beieve in, im gon, so much work to do
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