listen o ye firstborn to de geas of rickydoc
and i will give you a mission greater than
your adversity, i will give you a destiny . .
feel like im putting a target on my back everytime I express support for Hillary but for folk questioning SC blackfolk for their allegiance to her let me say this, I support Hillary because 1) I think she will be a good president and a nominee capable of finessing the repub attack machine - bottom line, I think she will be good at governing and progressively so – but I will also admit to an emotional motivation, after Hillary lost her hardcore fight w/Obama she came thru for him and brought her embittered partisans along with her, she could have held back and cost Obama the election – I acknowledge unfortunate baggage she and Bill carry but when the warhorn called, when it mattered, Hillary done right by us, Hillary threw down – accordingly I am not susceptible to demonizing opp research from the right or the left in this matter, loyalty is as loyalty does, if she needs a shieldwall a shieldwall is what she will get