each movement has a synoptic, this is the one for 8M:illumination:
in 64)vision we gain 65)wisdom and 66)compassion shaped by 67)meditation in search of
68)illumination and 70)sanctification at the 71)crossroads of 72)faith in 73)one world one cosmos
SUNDAY 9:31AM: redpen done, 8M next
im kinda burnt out on the project
but i know to just ignore that,
feel good feel bad, who cares, what
that got to do w/getting your work done
SAT 6:00AM okay, finished 7M:destinywork movement,
love being a working artist in a research institution
i get paid to teach, research and produce
whats not to love
been fidgety about not working on my novel
also been resentful im getting all this new knowledge and
attendant spiritual growth at such a late date in my life
but i see now why the gods of literature brought me here,
all this is going to inform the next draft of my novel
i got to go,
next up 38:SANCTUARY - 43 TO GO
*37: stewardship
awaken the sleeper protect the weak guide the strong |
ras hui i: my people love i, because I heal their afflictions
stewardship is assuming responsibility for social, cultural
and institutional well being – the well being of others
guide and guardian of human destiny
I would you o firstborn take responsibility not only for your own destiny
but the destiny of all peoples and all jah creature great and small
an expanding a sense of responsibility that evolves
from stewardship of your own affairs to stewardship
for the well being of those you know and love
to the communities and teams of which you are a part
the well being of your culture and your traditions
the well being of strangers and folk who are different
the well being of all humankind
the well being of the planet
the well being of the cosmos
and all the generations
this sense of stewardship expands as you grow and mature your
sense of responsibity and agency expands to encompass all that is
awaken the sleeper
protect the weak
guide the strong
a passionate sense of responsibility that has to be
channeled into dispassionate mojo for game purposes
stewardship of your own affairs just mean
figuring out how to live a good life
defining what the good life mean to you
conjuring it into being
must folk are civilians subject to the whims of the powerful
but you are an ascensionist, a player in the world
you have to forge a life with as much autonomy and agency as possible
in our interconnected world you will always answer to somebody
but you can learn how to effectively manipulate your world/culture
to provide for comfort, security and agency for you and yours
too many blackfolk think poor and street is authentic blackness
I beg to differ, I see an illuminated people, a people of power
this what the conjureman see
I would think a primary goal of black struggle is to make all blackfolk progressive middleclass.
to help the poor and dispossed achieve a certain proficiency in manipulating contemporary society.
as long as we are unable to function in an increasingly sophisticated economy we will
be increasingly marginalized in a world that severely penalize the marginalized.
ideological orchestrations will satisfy folk like me but my regular folk just want to live
good, live a good satisfying life. that’s cool with me, it is in fact the essence of struggle
once you have gained control over your own affairs
and provided for family and friends
you assume responsibility for your choosen field, your
colleagues, your teammembers, your tribe
beyond that you begin to realize that you cant
just save your own - got to save everybody
in the year 1608 that the portuguese army under bento cardoso expanded congo slaving
operations with declaration that every chief in land was now owned by a portuguese, said
chief was directly responsible for a quota of slaves or would be themselves be enslaved
following year a 100 chiefs were sold into slavery, 100 were murdered, chiefs who
had been cooperating in the slave trade suddenly found their honor in resistance
the true test of grace is when you have to give up your own precious interests
or those of class or tribe – first step is always cleaning your own house
when you identify crossroads moments in your culture, push it towards the
highroad - mostly this entail influencing the influents - guiding the strong
park yourself at the crossroads
if it is a democratic society force it to live up to its ideals
if it is an authoritarian society work for its democratization,
if it is an affluent society work toward the amelioration of inequity,
if it is an backward society bring it into the community of nations
conduct yourself always as a custodian of all that is good in this world
do not hesitate to cross borders in your quest
but remember pilgrim, to work with a light and graceful touch, you
never know all the complications that will arise from any intervention
when attempting to enhance the human condition choose your targets wisely
there will always be poverty. hunger, sickness and suffering, misery is an
inescapable component of the human condition, why I don't know, it just is . . .
one must do what one can to ameliorate this condition, knowing full well you will fail
it is not through the victory but the struggle that we best manifest our humanity
because power encompasses you always trying to broaden
the game board, so when you trying to illuminate and enhance
the human condition you want to think global and eventually
the more comprehensive your analysis
the more likely your game
I recall in my lifetime when the black struggle was a model of the struggle for human
dignity around the world, now when the world thinks black they think gangsterism
we must once again equate the black struggle with the struggle for human dignity
a conjure culture is one capable of transforming itself as necessary.
when I claim geas by rickydoc im claiming the prophetic dispensation to forge new
ways, im hoping that thru selfless service, my nommo and the quality of my analysis
that the culture will eventually anoint me as a cultural custodian worth listening to
a prophet of the hoodoo way
it would be nice would it not to forge a people capable of systematically responding
to changes in the political/social environment in both a timely and effective manner.
one that enables effective responses to social and cultural challenges -
adept in cultural conjuration
to fall behind the curve is genocide, to stay ahead of the curve got
to see the hammer before it fall and adjust as necessary to finesse it
when it was realized aids had a special affinity for blackfolk
should have been some way to provide notice to folk w/a mystical
authority capable of instituting immediate cultural correction,
some kind of geas by rickydoc
shortgame being behavioral changes, research, care, access, etc,
longgame to make ital health a cultural trope so as to avoid these kinda
hammers in the future or deal w/them in a timely manner, (see ebola)
then we will have used the hammer to
evolve, otherwise its just a tragedy
in eastern uganda the sabiny tribe fought hard against the governments attempts to halt
female circumcision. in 1992 the sabiny clan chiefs formed the sabiny elders association
and began reviewing their traditions with the intent, according to chairman g. w. cherborian,
of identifying the traditional values that were worthy of being kept, determining which
needed updating and which should be discarded as not consistent with modern life.
the elders association, with the help of the un, instituted a successful grassroots campaign
to inform the parents of the medical problems associated w/what they now called
female genital cutting they also decided to try to write out their language, to systematically
study their medical herb lore, to develop agricultural, welfare and aids awareness programs.
they rode the changes
like rickydoc say do
cast your vision, young hoodoo, as far as you can see
determine the challenges the tribe will face, prepare
the tribal soul to meet them -
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