so my goal is 2 movements a day, mornings, evenings for schoolhouse and personals
im trey behind, i should have 6 today, i have 2, ima restart the clock, that means im
caught up, hopefully i will get a groove on, its doable, just got to my discipline on
this is my 1st movement, raw and rough, im turning notes into text this draft, will
clean it up and make it sing on the next one, my fear is that its shallowness is
endemic instead of process, but im in it now, all i can do is do it - put the fears
the doubts and anxieties aside and do it - all my love,
rdoc - demoja
*1:01: consciousness: awaken the sleeper, function in
the spirit o traveler, and the world is your plaything
blessed be, one who knows, one who see, awake aware worthy of grace |
LORD LEGBA, open this gate, in the name of the conqueror, let this work be done
it is lord legba, one of the few gods of Africa who survived the middle passage, lord
of the crossroads, the keeper of the gate, opener of doors between this world and the spirit
world, messenger of the gods and the random factor, who must be petitioned at the beginning
of any spiritwork, of whom the request must be made, lord legba, open this gate
i am - the state before consciousness: listening to the drum, fitfully stirring in a world
of sleepers, the land of nod, tossed about by the winds of circumstance and the whims
of others it is knowledge of self the greatest struggle, the greatest power. who am i?
why am I here? what is the point?
most folk go thru life unaware, unawake, but in this moment you
are of the conscious, truly living - the sleeper has awoken
the spiritual life doesn't just happen, it is an active choice
the nurturance of the soul is the goal of this work
the beginning is always the hardest step
false beginnings no more than true
the first step of illumination is to free yourself
of your own cultural conditioning, step back and see
self analysis must be constant, be aware of your strengths
and weakness compensate for them, manage your strengths,
once you have identified your strengths, cultivate them,
once you have identified your weakness, rechannel them
constantly check yourself, monitor your engagements, your
passions, nobody is on all the times, and often you find you
will have stumbled onto the low road, wandered off that high
path, no blame, focus
fa is upon you
back before time all the monkeyfolk was walking round on 4 feet when one day the monkey doctor say I have been thinking, I believe if we stand on our hind legs that our tribe and all our generations will flourish, I believe we can be more than we are like this, he say, and he stand, and he say o my god, if only you could see what I see, from here I can see forever, from here I can see the stars, at which point the monkeyfolk scoff, why on earth, they say, would we want to do that, what can we possibly do on 2 feet that we cannot do better on 4 why, o fool of a dreamer, would the great monkey god give us 4 feet if not to use them
early in the days of earth all humanity walked on four feet until the firstborn rose and stood upright in the dawn of the world, before gondwaland divided itself and the 1st people sprung from mother africa, the little dark ones, the kung, the wa, the tcheu-li, the semang, the malay, the sakais, the dravidians, the liu-kiu, the melanesians & the khymer, building civilizatons along the great rivers of antiquity, the ganges, the euphrates, the nile, the people of the bow.
the blacks came first to the nile, birthing the first empire, here they met Fa, destiny standing at the crossroads, from nubia the folk followed the nile to the sea, planting themselves along its banks, building on its rhythms, the holy cities of napata and meroe, forging the first empire of the blacks, kemet, nubia & kush
birthing the first empire in the shadows of jebal barkal, the holy cities of napata and meroe, the black holylands of kemet, nubia, kush and egypt, of wo'se, nowe, and khartoum, of asselar, thebes, meroe, punt, and rozvi, zimbabwe, khol, san, nok, and darfur, of the tassili mountains planting on the rhythms of the nile - the sahara was bountiful then, lush and rich and fertile, people were plentiful, proud fisherfolk of the sudan.
open your eyes, young conjure,
a step every soul must take
look around young conjure, and
tell me, what do you see
humanity evolves, walking upright allowed use of hands
and the ability to walk long distances, farming allowed more density
groups begin to spread out, specialize tasks, organize, and so begins
the longmarch, the evolution of humanity is a story without end
no reason to think homo sapien is the end of the line
it is in the beginning of things that paths
are laid, destinies shaped, be careful here
& remember this o traveler, whatever challenges
we face we have faced before, in the great black
book of generations there is always a way