hello world, im in a good space kinda, feel bad about all the killing this week
trying to maintain, the harder times get the more committed to getting my work
done, like it will some kiind of a corrective
in lisbon, one of my favorite cities and i did a new piece, for the writer who
would be great which represented a whole new style for me and it went over
well, i was with parker and annie, two of my literary descendants and mikael was
here and annie made me cry in public reading a piece about me as her mentor which
i had not read because i knew it would be too emotionally wrenching for me
and now im back in the saddle, clocking pages, well, at least marching
thru research, which is going to be the primary focus of july and aug
these are the works i feel like i must get thru:
1) a dictionary of african mythology, the mythmaker as storyteller by scheub
2) african mythology, A to Z by lynch & roberts
3) pan african chronology: a comprehensive reference to the black quest for freedom, v2 & v3 (v1 done) by everett
4) winds of grace: poetry, stories and teaching of sufi mystics and saints by abramian
5) the bible by various scribes in the house of life
6) the path: sufi practices by nurbakhsh
7) the way of the sufi by idris shah
8) essential sufiism by by frager
9) hoodoo rootwork conjuration and witchcraft by hyatt vol 1,2,3
10) the original major odu ifa ile ife by ologundudu
11) the message and the book: sacred texts of the worlds religions by bowker
12) tales of the hasidim by buber
13) the worlds wisdom, sacred texts of the world's religions by novak
14) new afrikan hoodoo by ajamu
15) the archetypal cosmos: rediscovering the gods in myth, science and astrology by le grice
16) eternity: god, soul, new physics by trevelynan
17) masks of the universe: changing ideas on the nature of the cosmos by harrison
18) as much of galeanos memory of fire as time left permits, v1, 2, 3
this is what i need to get thru this summer to feel good about myself
at first i thought i only had to do the 1st set but then as i was looking thru
the pile to see whats critical the 2nd set got added
lot of critical texts ive already done an extraction, the iching, the sacred tarot
by the brotherhood of light, etc etc, been extracting for a year now, a push i
originally scheduled to be done w/in two weeks has instead consumed me
these 18 are the ones i feel like i still GOT TO GET THRU to call this research
phase a done deal, then i will feel good about myself and my final product
the point is to be the next step, so i got to extract everything worth extracting from
these texts, digest it, repurpose it, make it mine, go to the next level on them
(yes, including and most especially the bible)
then i can spend the rest of the fall doing clean up drafts and put this
puppy to bed come december (or more likely january sometime) with
a sense of job well done,
(i hope to god i dont end up giving my spr 2017 research leave to this project, i desperately
want to give my research leave to my novel, thats why im trying to clear my decks . .)
but i look at this list and i know its impossible to get thru it this summer
likely it will end up taking the whole fall which i would like to avoid because
it will cut into my schoolhouse obligations and put off when i can shut down
research and start cleaning up text
there another 20 or so id like to add to this list but im moving into
closure now, determining what HAS to be done and dumping the rest,
i got a good 100 texts id like to get thru but ive run out of time
as it is i know i could easily spend another 10 years on this project but im not
so this will be like the hoodoo book of flowers 1.0, then keep working on
it (w/benefit of feedback and criticisms) and do 2.0 after novel done
the extraction id like to be working thru now is pan african chronology vol 2
but they are huge volumes, and i could not tote them to portugal, so im
working on the dictionary of african mythology, which is on my kindle
the dictionary of african mythology i want to have done before i leave here
cause i want the mythologicals off my plate and in the text, also investing in
that headset will help me take a mythological approach to the historical riffs im
getting out of pan african chronology so i can get that galeano feel to them
all that said there is no way i can possibly get thru all these texts
in the next month and a half, extracting what i need, reprocessing
it for my purposes, making it mine, its totally absolutely impossible but
that wont stop me from trying, desperately seeking The Zone wherein
all things are possible
in my world you got to try a little harder than a reasonable
person would, in my world reasonable dont win no prizes
whats going to happen is likely i will still be
marching thru fire deep into the fall but hook
or crook im gon get this done and ima make my
end of the year deadline, i do not miss deadlines
never have, never will
all my love