so ive been reading both the bible and my griotic epic texts
the griotics i been rewriting them, cuting them to bone
taking out wordage and repititions, equilizing gender agency
and adding the conqueror more systematically, this is this
mornings work, still rough, still raw, wont worry about fixing
the poetry till im done with draft and who the hell knows what
a buffondo is, i wil have to research what im trying to say there
and for instance fadia in the text is stabbed in both thighs
that didnt work for me, aoll thru these things (and history too)
women get shorft shift so im addressing that as i can
all thru i decided not to be contrained by the original text
ima take full liberty with them and in the doing hopefully make them truly
mine and for folk who claim ive violated their cutural heritage so be it
also you see where i stuck the conqueror in here, weak but again this
phase i will stick him in wherever i can and worry later about refining it
and i will use the conqueror and the babajohn interchangabe
right now im thinking that the conqueror will use diff horses as necessary
folk like harriet and langston and zora and ida b and regular
folk who have escaped the ruthless gaze of history
so this is the tale of hammadi and sagalaire
then one night hammadi heard spirits playing a song like no
song he has ever heard before and the next morning he sounded
the great drum from kassa to kuna from denga to mondio
and all who heard it assembled in gundaka and he called
for players of the lute and the stringed instruments and last
night I heard a song like none ever heard before, it must
have been one of you, if by this time next week I have not
heard it again there will be no more musicians in this world
what is the name of it they asked, I do not know, he replied
but hear it I must and so all that week the played every song
that ever was but none would suffice to cool hammadi’s anger
the best of them all is ko biraima ko, he who has a song for
every occasion, even he does not know and in fear he does
what all must do he calls upon the conqueror who lives in
the deepest soul and so the conqueror comes, no need to ask
I know what you've come for, a song no one can hear, listen
said the conqueror and it is the music of the spheres he hears
the songdust of exploded stars that rest in everything thing
every one all one, he hears the buffondo of the mountains peak
the glistening trill of the trees on the beat of a billion hearts
and all this and ore he hears, what song is this he asks, saigalare
said the conqueror but when he tried to play it he could not do so,
and the conqueror said raise your lute above your head and break
it and so he did and the conqueror gave him another and now the
guitar he said and so he did and the conqueror gave him another,
and then the conqueror gave him a calabash of water, wash yourself
he was told and so he did and then they played the tune over
and over and over until it was fully known, now rise and go
home said the conqueror, now it is yours, only you can play
it, even I could not take it from you and so he returned just
as hammadi was to kill all the 999 musicians in the land and
they were glad to see him, ko biraima has come, he will know
he was given milk and a kola nut while he collected himself
and tuned his hoddu and begin to play saigalare and the 999
musicians were aghast, that is not music they cried, we will die here
but hammadi was in ecstasy, yes, he said, his anger gone, that is it
and he rewarded ko with a 10 count of everything that was
but he was told that he could not play that song for anyone else
not fadia my wife or my wife tenen, daughter of da monzon
nor my sons gueladio hambodedio or ousmane hambodedio
if you play this for anyone else I will make you a cold corpse
but when fadia heard of a song no one else could hear there
was nothing for a challenge of this sort but to hear it and so
she paid him and used his affection for her to promise her
that he would play it for her when he could and the next
time hammadi went to war he put pepper in his eyes and
said he could not go and when they left him behind he
went to her and she washed the pepper out with milk of
the morning and he played saigalare for her and she
knew the blessings it brings but hammadi realizing
his griot was not there became concerned about his
battle and said he does not need to see to sing and so
he returned for ko and when he did he heard saigalare
being played from the highest tower and when he
broke into the room there they were and he stood before
them with his spear raised, can he kill both his griot and
his wife and no he cannot and so saigalare is given to them
all, and all share equally in its blessings
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