wow, im on 62: longgame, i might
be done today, tomorrow latest
reason im moving so quick is because its
reading good, ima have to let it get cold
to do anything else with it, but its such a
relief - its reading good
as for the unortho stylee im not going to worry about
im not going to start questioning myself now
it is what it is, im gone, got pages need clocking
SUNDAY (i guess maybe 2am)
one i realized by spell/syntax checker has given up in the text
just too much in text unortho for it, so im having to take each
movement and copy it into a new docu so it comes back on
cause i dont want not one misspelled word in my text
been reading thru, its reading easy, ima send it off w/o
ltting it get cold cause im thoroughly tired of it and want
desperately to get to novel, its actually reading well, if
folk can get past my stylisms, which means i should
take them out myself but i just cant see it any other
way than what it is, thats why i did it as a book, in
shorts i can be denied, but a whole book makes
my case so strongly it will make its own way . . .
im on 54:hoodoo mythworks, averaging 20 a day
will be done by monday, tuesday its in the mail
writing it i dont concern myself w/marketability
now its time to sell it and its like o shit . .
im gone, i got pages need clocking
all my love
always something to worry about
ok im finished, just doing poetry cleanups now
a revision takes about 3 days, started yesterday
and on 30 hoodoo healings, i will be done w/this
draft by this weekend will let it get cold while
i start working the outline of new novel draft
read it again next weekend, send it off next mon
want to send it off now but i would tell my students
to let it get cold and read it one last time,
my big concern now is not can i do it, it satisfies me
my concern now is selling it, i fear ive done it again:
spent decades on a project so stylized its unsaleable
i cant even whine about it, im the one chose to be a stylist
i dont be stylizing because im being precocious
i wish to god i was a more conventional writer
but i am who i am, i just gotta make being me work
its like this cause that the only way i can make it work
my only real concern now is making it real in the world
i dont mind going alternative or doing it myself if thats
what it take to do it like i want to do it
that said i would appreciate the resources of a major house
i could for instance, do with a little fact checking
so this is an example of one of my passages
4M:30: hoodoo healings - the industry is going
to freak when they see 500 pages of this
they are going to be like what the fuck
does flowers think we can do with this
come dr flowers, let |
ital health is do or die
good health is the only thing critical
maintain health and all else is added
anything else you can fight back from,
the attributes of good health are well known:
ital living, moderate habits, prudent activities
ital healthcare, good healthcare, preventive care, regular checkups
ital diet, eating well, being knowledgeable, being disciplined
ital exercise, regular exercise, maintain suppleness, martial arts
ital spiritual, meditation, meditational practice, good thoughts, good deeds
ital emotional health, good supportive relationships
ital knowledge, about the human body, about its care & maintenance
ital health & welfare policy, public health policies, local, federal, global
ital cosmic consciousness and meditaional practice
sanctifying the temple, purifying the instrument –
keeping it clean, something you can depend on
treat the body as you would a temple, a repository of the soul in
pursuit of a serenity that accepts both good and bad w/equanimity
the 1st line of defense is attitude/life style:
living right, healing attitudes of equanimity and
peace of mind, meditational practice et al
the 2nd line of defense is medical, a good doctor, a
good healthplan, ital regimes, timely interventions
the 3rd line of defense is social policy in defense of
human dignity, in defense of the planet, defending
us all from the ravages of the rapacious
come ras hu I “thats what love, cooperation and unity are in a
society, a comforter, im a comforter for my people, so I have great
dominion and power, glory and authority, but I use my discretion
and my people love I, because I heal their afflictions”
trinidadian doctor john alcindor of paddington england, often took his
own dinner to his poor patients, my patients need feeding, not doctoring
when de conqueroo realize aids had an affinity for de souls of blackfolk
de conjuror was dismayed, why us lord, don't we have enuf problems:
the conchhorn call demoja demoja but no one listen
the conqueror muse that a culture that does not respond to cultural
dangers in a timely manner is not a culture flexible enuf to finesse them
should have been a way to communicate the danger of aids to our people
with the kind of cultural authority that enables timely adaptation to a cultural
emergency. a cultural authority that finesse cultural crises in their infancy
some sort of geas by rickydoc
1st step in addressing a cultural emergency is to see it frankly
aids, ebola, gangsterism, curses of this magnitude, you cannot
hide from them, you must address them early, before they root
the tactical response to aids, the shortgame, should have been to
identify the cause and change community behavior accordingly
education, monogamous commitment, safesex, drug outreach,
pharmaceutical research & pricing policies, etc. etc. etc etc etc
but shortgame just defense, the corresponding longgame should be
designed to harness the karmic power generated by a cultural crises
of this magnitude to make health of primal importance in our culture.
2nd nature to us, a cultural trait, then we will have transformed
adversity into strength and power, worked the counterspell
finesse it and we stronger for it, otherwise its just a tragedy.
cant be no healer less you standing on higher ground, once upon a time a fellow practitioner come to the queenmother and say he burnt out, I got nothing left, he say, could the queenmother give him advice that would renew him, a hoodoo potion perhaps, the queenmother told him to closely consider his clients needs, the practitioner say no no, you misunderstand, im not asking for them im asking for myself, my bad, say the queeenmother, then consider what they really, really, really need - physician, heal thyself
I would my every thought, every breath, every word be a healing,
I once tried to to help a seeker who could not be helped, but in the
trying I understood my limitations - so there was a healing after all
everybody needs a sanctuary physical, spiritual,
some place where you are free to be you -
old south memphis joke: half the kids on the south side still
belong to doctor flowers, because they haven’t been paid for
he took care of their bodies, I take care of their souls
a spirit doctor walking in the footsteps of my father
healing troubled souls you got to take them in hand but souls are
fragile things and your possibility for harm is as strong as it is for
good, I require of you a light and graceful touch, tender even
I would you, young spiritdoctor, master the art of soulcare,
adept in the alleviation of suffering but do remember
I will not abide a thief of souls
dr jim jordan of maneys neck township, north carolina was
respected by the community, medical professionals and the police
his reputation was that of an ethical conjureman of great power
who would not take a clients money unless the cure worked
then there aunt caroline dye was one of the best, the blues songs will
attest, folk singing about going to see aunt caroline was code in the south
for trusting in the tradition, for hoodooration at its very best
the babajohn encountered a disturbed man who heaped scorn upon him
which the babajohn endured with dignity and a murmured blessing
demoja, my friend, go in peace
how, asked the conqueror, did you handle that so well, the
babajohn say I gave him what I had to give, my blessings
I hoodooed him
webster the definition of hoodooing somebody
say to harm, to hurt, ima repurpose that
in de geas of rickydoc to hoodoo
somebody is to bless and heal
be love in the world, be harmony in the chaos, be
truth in the midst of illusion, be a path, be a way
spread mojo like the sun bless plants
leaning into life giving nourishment
help for those in need, redemption
for the sinner, rest for the weary
hoodoo them
all my love