just listened to the two pieces
technically im getting thru it but
it aint got no soul, soon come
the day when i can get up there
and trance them out
finally listened to it, its not bad
i see what i should have done
diff, which is the point, so . . .
just received copies of brer rabbit
looking good, CD in back, still not
really out yet but im looking forward
to promotion
finished rebuild of rest for the weary
going thru now and try to make this skeleton actually fit tge text now
most of the kept passages have to be repurposed, i went from about
350 pages to about 180 now and will still lose about a third of that
but after this phase all i will have left is working manuscript, then i
got to beef it out w/char riffs, which is not my strong point and the
fear is that i will have a bunch of empty words, which is not acceptable
but its kinda amazing, basically have rewritten this novel in a way i have
not in like 15 years and it feels like its working but who the hell knows
im just glad to be rebuilding instead of tearing down
tearing down is hard on the soul, the harder you work
the further away you are
im gone, got pages need clocking
got music need making
giving myself a week, 20 pages a day
cause this just the making it coherent
draft, then i got to really settle in and
make it good, that will take a month
one hopes,, whih will give me july as clean up month
but most likelty it will take 2 cause i wont be able to
barrel thru, text will have to work that time
then a poetry draft or two and i will
have a good text, we will see
(dream on art, im going to have
all my love
have still not listened to my invocation
i fear i will be disappointed but i got to
go ahead and put it on youtube et al
i will listen to it eventually
feels good not having any more gigs
till lisbon 1st week july but i see im
going to have to work it just as hard
cause i have to be better than i was
friday, im smooth in practice but i get
nervous and it comes off shakey
i got to work on the smoothness
this is the new outline, feels good putting
the novel back together even if the segments
are weak:
basically how im structuring all these apperently
nonlinear flash beats is im doing them in sequences
i extract a thread and fix it as a sequence so i can
see the arc and i have multiple sequences for
chars and for plot threads, then when its minimally
viable i weave it back into the text
i use clusters because my craft could not handle
the chaos of my previous attempt, flash paras
that jumped nonlinear all over the story didnt
give the reader enuf grip on chars or story
before i whiplashed them w/another jump
also working my destinic clusters now, my
future speculatives, its been a challenge
i had hoped to finish rebuild this weekend but
the destitnic cluster ate it up, i want this done
by next weekend, roughly making the segments
line up, many of them still prototext. . .
im gone, i got pages need clocking, of
making even 1 book there is no end
1 IV1 invocation
2 MS1 mystery seq 1, dead hoodoos
3 PV1 protovision 1 and text
4 AN1 intro angel 1
5 MS2 finds blind mary dead
6 HG1 gathering of hand 1
7 HC1 historical cluster 1
8 WA1 response by walkabout 1
9 AN2 angel 2
10 GB1
11 WA2 walkabout sequence 2
12 VS1 vision sequence 1
13 HC2 historical cluster 2
14 MS2 mystery sequence2
15 AN3 angel revelation 3
16 QM1 queenmother cluster 1
17 HC3 historical cluster 3
18 BC1 bklyn cluster, grave/genetta
19 SC2 identifies/reveal stackolee 2
20 CR1 crossroads realities 1
21 DC1 destinic cluster 1
22 CR2 crossroads realities 2:
23 WA3 walkabout 3:
24 CK2 comp of okillens, p&c
25 AF1 angel & frankie:
26 EG damn bottle tree:
in a good space, ready for this invocation gig
and when preparing for gigs i get better
and finished new outline for novel
the material is still weak but i want the real text
so ima spend the weekend making manuscript
reflect the new outline, im kinda excited, its
premature but idea of having good text moves
me and being moved is what gets you to the zone
and im tired of my text being a mess of chaos
i can start putting it back together now, so i will
so far i been dancing on both my obsessions
serious production and getting better on mbira
my cup runneth over
all my love
(email to patrick)
So im not the only one picking
up a new axe late in the game
ive come to understand I will never be great
before I was a writer with musical accompaniment
Now I think of myself as a musician, big diff
and I compare myself to folk I like and I can
Hear the diff between just starting and a
Lifetime of commitment and I have determined
I don't have to be what I would like to be
I just have to be good enuf to accompany myself
and I have gotten passable enuf to get out there
And take my licks which is the only way you get
Your performance chops, fumbling thru
Doing the invocation for the black graduates ceremony on campus tomorrow
it moves me when they acknowledge the spiritual component of what I do
Ive done it for them kinda regular but this time ima sit down and play my array
And I been working an invocation using my array that's going to be prime time
and im going to actually sing what I would have chanted before, its going to
bloiw them away, man, and ima fumble it but I got a sound nobody else got
And that's whats going to carry me thru
Ive reached point now where I can sit
down and just express emotion
Im taping everything and putting it on youtube
I know they will embarrass me at some point
but im thinking promotion, im thinking gigs
I got to be bold w/it and believe the magic
that happens on stage will carry me
Thanks again for opening this door
i fear they have the votes, if they don't i will rejoice, if they do, the senate will change it, not necessarily kill it, we see what depending on repub moderates gave us, 8 billion over 5 years and what happens after 5 years, trump is re-elected and the fig leaf no longer necessary,
so I'm furiously pondering, where is the longtime, where is
the strategic finesse that extracts power from the hammer -
if it all goes south as it appears (this move will set up many more for them) all i can see is things get so bad (folk dying in their beds) that we finally set up for single payer but thats a price i don't want to pay, all our strategic options are weak, defensive, hopefully we can penalize them 2018 but they've repeatedly done immoral without electoral penalty, indeed been rewarded for it, hopefully this one is too blatant, we got to do some serious counterspinning - i tell you 2018 can't come quick enuf for the old rootdoctor
I'm just not sure just yet how to finesse this move, i thought this little
initiative had died, guess i got between now and the vote to figure it
out, apparently bullshit never dies, it just transforms itself
gave a presentation to nana's class, it went exceptionally well, i wove the writer who would be great w/excerpts from good loving and the sparse mbira
work was perfection once i calmed down
i got to go, so much work to do
so little life left to give
all my love
hassan minhaj nailed it, the 'not see steve bannon' was cute
but it was the trust is stronger than truth i found provocative,
and a couple of his beats on minorities made my heart full, spec
when he said when are faced w/the dilemma, do i restrain myself
and go along, or do i speak truth to the people
it was an unmitigated disaster, i got nervous
my hands started trembling, the only way i
could play was with loose strokes, which
discombulated me so i forgot my text and
fumbled thru, folk congratulated me after
but i blew it, did my prophetic thing, will
continue to do it till i perfect it
all my plans to emote it
i barely carried it
bernie stepped up, carried me
it was a disaster but no more
than expected, folk
loved the mbira
more woodshed rick
more woodshed more
all my love
im in a very strange space, i been dancing on the razors edge
for about a month now and my brain is starting to get tired, im
missing steps and my feet are getting cut up, ima have to jump
off the edge for a minute or two, im tired, im weary to the bone
weary to the fucking bone
(okay rick, you got that out, now get back to work . . .)
still wading thru, inch by inch, para by para
still doing raw texts on my sequences, working
the babajohn sequence now, a couple of scenes
capturing the babajohn in fiction, i love it . . .
the mbira, im not loving, ive hit a plateau again
im hitting and hitting but not getting measurably better
i sound good when im hitting but when i listen on the
tape its hours and hours of me searching for notes
got a gig tomorrow and im not ready, i sound good
sometimes, sometimes i dont, all in the space of
the same piece but ima go ahead and do it cause
its the only way to actually get performance chops
get out there and fumble thru
doing 2 new pieces for july, a mlk piece
for vancouver, started on it this week
and a lullaby for sofia for parkers new baby
told him ima do a blessing for her, welcoming
her into the world and he said do one that
puts her to sleep and i think, lullaby, the
mbira will be perfect for that, i think about
golden slumbers by beetles, i just then
realize its a lullaby, and summertime and i
think lullaby, help these suffering parents
i start working it: basic lyric is:
sleep little baby, sleep little sofia
your mama loves you, your daddy does too
our gift to the world, this world our gift to you
sleep little baby, the world will wait on you
sleep little baby, so brand new, sleep
rest your soul, little baby, so much to do
our gift to the world our gift to you
rest little baby just sleep
or something along those lines
ima leave it loose and riff it
speaking of performance thats my boy
sekou sundiata - grandmaster of the game
the key will be to be minimalist, dont search
for new stuff, find a beat and stay on it
the other key will be to make my fumbling thru part of the act
hello all, this is my new axe, i dont know what im doing but im
here to do it, then emote on them, so today just
practice emoting over my two go to chords
my real concern is lisbon and vancouver in july
im gone, determined to get thru babajohn sequence
today, mother sequence too if i can, problem
is both of them cut close to the bone, this
whole draft cutting a little close to the bone, i tell
my students you have to write from the heart
if a draft dont cost you its not worth
writing - this must be a good draft
best i get back on it, if i dont get
my morning grind in i spend the
rest of the day spinning my wheels
dont nothing else get done
till the work does
all my love
the array report, hanging in there, putting the hours in
i seem to have plateaued, i kinda got the hang of it
just got to get smooth, which means hours and hours
told parker ima do a blessing for sofia
he said a lullaby so she sleeps more and
im like thats what parents always ask for
golden slumbers by the beatles is my model
okay back to whats really bugging me, that novel
im dug in, the mbira is cosing me hours but im holding on
averaging 3 hours sleep a night, bonnie objects but what
am i to do, i nap, thats what
so current production schedule
have extracted whats useful from old text and abandoned whats not
the bulk of the novel has been abandoned, whats left doesnt really
fit its purpose, so i am in process of repurposing the fragments
left after the extraction, which enatail using the paras and lines
as te seeds of scenes that do what i need them to do
thats where i am now, i have pulled out various sequences and
making them arc at which point i will put back in novel
right now im working on a babajohn sequence
then i got to do the mother sequence, which will be painful
wrote it visiting my mother in hosp after her 2nd stroke
when it was clear she wasnt coming back from this one
(bedridden for next 7 years past doctors prognosis)
and then the biggie, my future scenario sequence
for which i am doing research
okay what kind of scheduling here, i was hoping
to be done by end of april, thats not working
so end of may, finish repurposing, maybe another week
at which point i will have a skeleton weave
then i will need to flesh out those bones
with good character/plot texture
then put them back in the text, say end of may
it will be diff to maintain all those balls in air
temptation is to put them back in text quicker
but then you dont get to polish the arcs
so this will give me an incoherent draft by end of may
then maybe june to get a real draft, more likely june/july
and then a polished up draft july/aug
which leave me playing catchup schoolhouse sept
cause aug should be new class prep but such
is life, you choose your priorities dont you
i gotta go, schedule calls for repurposed babajohn sequence
and do the mother if you can, if the babajohn is done this morning
have to schedule when i will do paperwork (taxes)
and when i will do mbira (at least an hour)
otherwise i will spend whole day struggling w/the page
and feel good about it too, but life makes its demands
got a local performmance, 10/15 minutes in a local lineup
but i think im ready to try the mbira, a practice run before
lisbon, you can practice and practice but at some point
you have to take it before the congregation and fumble
thru until you get good at it, prime time
im so gone, i got so much work to do
have not heard from ellen about my book
everyonce in awhile i think about it then
put it out my head like i tell my students to do
you concentrate on the next project
between novel and mbira who got time to sweat it
all my love