SUNDAY, 11/05
im making about 4 posts a month these days
between schoolhouse and maintaining production
who got discretionary time, this me at the indian summer fest
i play that thing 2, 3 hours a day easy, im determined
to get good with it and be a real musiciian
corey down in memphis doing a memphis magazine piece
about writers position on production in your declining years
why he asked me to be part of it i do not know
this what i sent him:
I wouldn't know what to do with my life if I wasn't writing every day, I know that day will come when I am either dead or just physically unable, or have just lost my chops, and I guess I will coast at that point, scribble doodles and swear they mean something, or talk into a tape or something. I just don't know any other way to be other than being a working writer, desperately working on my projects, trying to get them done before the bell rings. I do not yet feel that I have produced the work I am capable of but every year Im more conscious of my mortality and every day I get a little more serious/desperate about getting my work done. Listening to the ticking clock. I love the literary life, its been good to me, and I have no regrets, Was I to die tomorrow I count my blessings. I could not have imagined the life that I have lived. But there are a couple of major projects I would like to finish. I have often told myself if I don't achieve my literary ambitions, if I don't write the work im capable of, I will die surprised. Cause when I rise that morning Ima rise up working. Struggling with the page, thats what i do.
MONDAY the 30th
bankruptcy in memphis preying on blackfolk
ive known family folk caught up in this trap
beihnd tickets that metasized, ima have to work
this into my text, big props for jerome payne
and his kwanza stamps, good looking out
dont really have anything to say, just dont want
see georges picture everytime i boot up, crunching
pages, keep thinking im done, then i start entirely
new segment that enirches the text but it will be
a couple of months before its polished work
i keep thinking im done, i keep thinking im coasting
was going to the city cause they doing something
for larry neal but then geo doing a showing of
the pilot for seaoak on the 6th, so i will make my
city run then, im gone, i have been working all night
got a lot done, but i can feel myself shutting down
goodby george, i really miss that cat
i cant for the life of me process how
he llet himself get hit by a fucking car
everytime i pass the spot it hurts
what is it about losing pets that
it is its own brand of pain
im gone, all my love
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