i am radically bored w/this research, the longer i can stay on it the better
but i think ima have to do some text cause im just bored, ima try to get thru
the extraction of life in the spirit and this buggerbear of a text that i expect a lot from:
quantum cosmology and the laws of nature: scientifc perspectives on divine action
and that book im expecting the eternal quest vol2, and all its god quotes but
whats wearing me down is having to wade thru all this archaic theology/godtalk
this life in the spirit has a whole chapter on what to expect between death and
the resurrection, spare the fuck out of me, i wade thru mud for the occasional gem
the last section in book, part 3, was 'human destiny' man i was so excited
started reading it and its all about the fucking rapture, jesus h. christ
100 pages about the fucking rapture
this book is a huge disappointment
the longer i can hang the more informed i will be when i get to actually writing
maybe if i just take a day or two off it will regenerate me, as you can imagine
that quantum cosmology and the natural laws is a dense text
ima have to take a couple of days off, im exhausted
i sit here at the sacred desk and keep nodding off
when i think of how hard i work at what i do and how
real my work is compared to what gets published and
all the rejections i get from publishers i feel unloved
fionna said my work had 'too much certitude' - its a
wouldbe holybook, its supposed to have certitude
amistad said it needed to be 'simplified' for the market
they want selfhelp pablum, i want something the generations will
wrestle with - i believe the future will appreciate what ive done
this is all im getting from life in the spirit, 169 pages in,
350 to go and nothing real, no real riffs, just one liners
i need a couple of days off, im tired and im
weary and a bit downhearted, im done . . .
notes from life in the spirit, a disappointing text:
faith can on ly start w/repentence
salvation, deliverance, safe3ty preservation, soudes, restoration, healing
a change of mind, heart and behavior
a disposition to holiness, an act of will
bible says cleanse me w/hyssop, which is why some hoodoos consider hysop a cleansing herb
teach me wisdom in the inmost place
grace as an act of contrition, conviction, contrition reformation
this concept of god as the great mojo
the question how do i give it the power
of god that is there when you need god
the human being resists repentence
illuminating grace requires rigorous self examination
o that I could repent o that I could believe, strike w/the hammer of thy word
and break my stubborn heart
the refusal of cheap grace
when extracting weakness work the root, not the branches
go deep as you possibly can which requires the hoodoo vision thata values self knowledge
reparation is to make whole that which you have harmed
if the damage is so great it cannot be encompass a proportional effort must do
the extraction of weakness, sanctification of the soul, is a daily grind
deathbed reparation is good but not as good as one in which reparation is possible
if we claim to be w/op sin we dec3ive ourselves and the truth is not in us’ john
if you hide from your sins/flaws/weaknesses you cant grow past them, they have no purpose
confession sanctifies
if the violation is public so too must be the redemption
‘nothing betrays weak faith more than a lack of courage’
Forgiveness cancels the debt and takes its onus onto your own shoulders
‘Forgiveness forgeits that which is due’
Forgiveness precludes justice, forgiveness as an individual is diff from forgiveness as a society
Wherein justice is called for, can forgiveness and justice coexist
I can forgive but that does not mean you should forgive yourself w/o attempted restitution
the best redemption is a life of grace and goodworks, individual grace must manifesat as good works
Or it is not grace, gods grace on the otherhand is given freely, the grace of the great mojo
I got to keep referring to god as the great mojo, im putting the work in, I get to call the tune
Restoration to favor as reconciliation
Faith as the reception of grace
Salvation depends on grace enabled faith
Faith is the firm conviction of the grace of god
‘A sense of repose enabled by this conviction, a firm confidence’
‘faith is being sure of hwhat we hope for and certain in what we do not see’
The affirmation of mind heart and will in what is not empirically called for
Faith is not spiritual blindness but spiritual seeing, we live by faith not be sight’
Faith is trusting in universal grace, the grace of the great mojo
faith makes the impossible possible
Levels of faith, an act of faith vs habitual, immature and mature, human and divine, implicit & explicit
Human faith is faith in the goodness of society, of humanity as default
Feuerbach, faith/god as projection of human needs and ideals
Faith as accepting the immaterial and unseen as as real as material works
Without faith you are incapable of achieving feats of any magnitude
When a farmer plants a seed he has faith in the orderness of the universe, in the patterns perceived
Faith is a witness???
Logical Sense is a function of faith but not a critical one
Faith is not blind assent contrary to reason, it should make sense if possible
‘the central element of faith is confidence’ in the perceived patterns of the universe
Faith is a personal choice what to believe
Passive and active faith, true and false, true faith is a function of time
i have of late been looking daily for opportunities
to practice grace, was at indian buffet the other day
and this black student came in and asked for takeout
1st i notice that she packed the takeout so full she
coiuldnt close it and it kinda embarrassed me in spite
of fact that i do it too, though with more grace/restraint,
then i notice her looking thru her stuff and she went
up to cashier and i couldnt hear what was said but
i assumed it was a variant of i left my wallet in car
i will be right back and she walked out and i was
thinking student, likely no car and by the time she
gets back to dorm the food would be cold and im
thinking she is not coming back and i should have
offered to get it for her and that plastic bag of food
sat there while i ate and when i left it was still there
and i left there feeling somehow soiled
still do
i had hoped to be thru w/research by end of feb
but each book leads me to more books, in rediscovering reverence
(or was it remythologizing the new testament) the author mentions
this guy feuerbach, a theologian whose premise is that god is
the psychic projection of humanitys ideals, so there i go, hunting
him and some author w/many books, sally mcfague, down and come
home with about 10 more book on the mythology of god, im at that stage
where the more you read the deeper you get led into the rabbit hole
so ima give it march and start text (ie shut down research) in april
one hopes,
just got this must read book, liberating grace, from amazon
librarry book that i felt need to go thru w/note pen, went to
top of the must read pile
life in the spirit turned out to be a disappointment but still need to get thru
it, initial focus on grace has branched out, i gotta go, so much to do . . .
so many books, so little time . . .
TUES 20th,
man talk about disappointing, the ratio of useful
words to useless ones is like 3%, pages of text
on how you cant call god a she cause the bible
clearly refers to the father and like that . .
useless, fortunately wont take me weeks
im scanning thru, reading 1st sentence and
eyescan the rest of the para, 1st was reading
whole para to make sure im not missing stuff
no mas . . .. . .
only reason im still in it is i cant
believe it doesnt get better
im gone, wading thru bullshit
MON the 19th, early morning
so manifesting grace was okay, it didnt sustain itself
but it was a good research find, im digging into one
that i expect even more from, life in the spirit by oden
its unbelievable resource for my purposes, if i get to
the point where it jades me i will be ready to start doing
manuscript, got a lot nore works i want to wade thru
odens beat is exploring how the holy spirit works in the world
and the quest of life and its kinda correlating w/my grace beats
and this is fascinating to me cause i always dismissed the holy
spirit talk as the priests way of cutting women out of the
father, son and the holyghost family mix but i see now
the holy spirit beat does have some value
ive had to look at theology during this phase
interesting that i never thought of it as a research field
and me working on a holybook, even still having to
wade thru a lot of christian rhetoric but these theologians
are the folk thats wrestling w/the concept of grace
so basically im giving myself a month to master theology
(while schoolhouse grinding no less, ah the literary iife . . .)
removing my tongue from my cheek its clear i will only scratch
the surface but by god and all thats holy ima scratch it deep
so ima close down this shop end of feb and start
working text, im excited where this is going to take
the Text, it was strong before, it will be stronger
so this is how i do it, i go into these Texts and I
extract what i can use, insights they have that
generate riffs in me, 1st stage i read thru and mark
then i go thru and extract, which is still some of their riffs
but i try to translate into mine as i extract and use quote
marks when its still their words so i know not to use them
but im sure there are insufficiently translated beats i will
be called on at some point, assuming anybody ever cares
at this point i go thru dismissing weak or insufficiently translated
beats and refine to point where the essentialized seedlings
are transposed into my Text, at that point its mine . . .
to give you an idea of the stuff im getting, these are the raw
extractions ive gotten so far: on the nature of grace, end of
the month i will have like 50 pages of this stuff
it will affect both me and my Text, already i find
myself looking for opportunities to practice
acts of grace . . .
this concept of god as the great mojo
the question how do i give it the power
of god that is there when you need god
i spent a lot of time on what god is not in previous draft
i need to spend more time on what i think god is
and how does this concept of grace play into that
it is thru grace that we aspire to the transcendent
why do you wait for grace, when grace is everywhere
(better beat? why must i seek grace if grace is everywhere)
the embrace of grace has to be pertinent to your quality of life
if tis too esoteric it will not root itself, grace has many faces
hoodoo theology and questions of ultimate reality
hoodoo grace as sometbhing you achieve, first you
become conscious of grace,
is the only true grace the grace of god or is it our
acts of grace to each other that are more godlike
it is the great questions that shape us, the oens w/no answers, life after
death, the nature of god, the point of life, who am i, why am i here
at diff points in our lives, at diff points in culture/history/destiny, we
answer and even approach them differentlty
your understanding of grace evolves as you/we do
in the geas of rickydoc one commits 7 acts of grace
a week, you can do 9 if you are particularly devout
the quality of your graces will evolve over the years
bernanos tells the story of a country priest called to give last rites/grace
and when charged w/being late, said, does it matter, grace is everywhere
grace enhances our relationship w/god
grace of the great mojo
basically my understanding of the grace of god is the grace of the cosmos
how does that work, that the cosmos is essentially beneficient and rewards
graceful behavior, im taking this on faith, for the big questions i choose to
believe what rewards me in the real world, i choose to believe rthe universe
is beneficent and will conduct myself accordingly
our definition of god is no loonger absolute
the reflected life, the conscious life, assessing and adjusting
the 1st step is to be conscious of grace
can you determine 3 acts of grace you have experienced in your life
can you identify 3 acts of grac you have given in your life
the great mojo and grace
the universe is essentially benevolent
the universe does not care but once in a while
there is something that comes thru for you
call it god the universe, call it the great mojo
call it cosmic grace, sometimes things work out
for you and you are delivered unto grace
you are sanctified
grace is the approval of folk you care about
an act of grace is when you pass those bleswsings on to others in need
you want to be in an ongoing state of grace, which presuppose a certain benevolence
the compassion of o killens
a sense of the social contract
passing out blessings as maintaining a state of grace
grace is both internal and external
thoughtful and considerate, a positive force
a sense of fitness and propriety
a disposition to be generous or helpful of full of goodwill
mercy clemency, unearned favor
the greek graces are aglaia, euphrosyne and thalia, proprieters of charm and beauty
the christian graces as divine favor, an act of redemption, an act of sanctification
both given and received
on the nature of grace notes, compose a blues of grace
a sense of dispensing well being as a state of grace
elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action:
a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment:
favor or goodwill.
a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior:
mercy; clemency; pardon:
to lend or add grace to; adorn:
to favor or honor:
by the grace of god, thankfully; fortunately:
by the grace of god, i won't have to deal with tax returns for another year.
fall from grace,
to conduct yourself with good and bad grace, willing and unwilling
it is grace that transcends all adversity
it is the grace of the great mojo
god the universe
grace is the attempt to reach for higher ground
the attainment thereof
people want grace, they are desperate for grace, all
you have to do is make them conscious of the need
grace is found in the extraordinary
moment and in the quiet ones too
you have to understand your times
and be able to step out of them
when head and heart are in harmony
and reaching for highground there is
where grace will be found
the constant need for healing and
the search for healing moments
it is a blessing when the ordinary and
the mundane are portals of grace
grace grows in the consciousness of grace
manifesting itself in acts of grace that lead to
a state of grace and innumerable blessings
grace must be constantly renewed and reborn
grace must be an ongoing consciousness, an
ongoing effort culminating in a graceful death
great heartedness
participation in the divine harmony
charity to others is how we mimic god
fundamentalism is how we curse god
and betray the divinity in us all
grace encompasses the duality, it always does
‘healing and elevating grace’
grace works in its times and age
as do any of the big questions
the future will be astounded at
the % of ignorance in my words
it is in thy blessing o lord that we are seekers of grace
make me sturdy unto my weaknesses, fleet of soul
sin humbles us
weakness of the soul keeps us honest
and makes us tolerant of others who
are in serious redemption,
in redemption those who have been
harmed must be made whole, and if
that person is you this is doubly so
know that you are in the temple of god
the effort to be in harmony with the universe
acts of grace are the building blocks of the soul
the habit of grace will enrich your life and all you do
it is grace that moves you in confluence with the universe
that enables your fa, it is grace enables divinity in the world
grace is the act of creation
it is human nature to strive towards grace
to alignment with the nature of the universe
to be one with the universe is our birthright
we are in natural attunement and its is out Fa
to determine what the proper stance should be
its is in choosing the highroad at the crossroads
that you find your fa, the greatest you, deviation
from Fa is when you
tradition and stability, too
much tradition is stagnation
I walk in gratitude of the grace bestowed upon me
Generosity beyond measure
The transcendent heart of the universe
God as gracioius benefactor
Grace is an ongoing journey, always in process
Of being and in danger of being retarded
'God does not require the impossible, everyone must be able to do the commanded good ad avfid the forbidden evil, respecting what can be done by natural power and ready to forgive transgression sincerely repented, whose recompense to those harmed should be equal to the transgression'
I suspect god, the cosmos, nature, the great mojo, is amoral and does not reward morality as much as it rewards evolutional survival modes and morality plays into that, I assume that the universe is benevolent and rewards elevated consciousness and a committed life, I would assume this even if I could not come up with a logic for it, this I take on faith
The big and unanswerable questions I choose to believe what makes me stronger in the world, and I choose to believe god, nature, the cosmos, the great mojo is benolent,
a life that is a visible celebration of the gracious love and goodness of god
a transformation that leads one to act lovingly to others and world as god acts to us
an enhanced sense of connetion with the great mojo
confidence in the grace of the great mojo
grace will never let you down, grace will never despair
grace is living as simply as possible
taking all your factors into consideration
what exactly is gods grace
the greek word caris implies unearned grace
grace as salvation
grace is the surety of the great mojo in all you do
grace accepts us as flawed seekers all
grace is an ongoing act of creation of self
what is a fall from grace, when we no longer trust the great mojo
works of the flesh instead of works of the spirit
peace, to join, the surety of the universe
grace under pressure, hemingway
satan as an agent of discord
grace woman faults luthers vision of grace as devaluing human agency
in the promotion of grace, and the ‘ongoing process of redemption’
from council responding to luther: not only remission of sin but the sanctification and renewal of the inward person thru the voluntary reception of grace
with the right attitude everything is grace, everything is a gift
demons, your hidden fears that work on you below your consciousness
the ones from which you as yet have no defense because you are not
conscious of them
as you mature in grace it becomes easier to live a life of grace
we always have a part in choosiung our greater fa, in choosing grace
grace must be pertinent to humanities needs
when you are profoundly affected and perhaps transformed
into a greater you then you have found grace
it is grace that is the gift of the crossroads
somewhere up in here are notes generated by wikipedia
they were fundraising recently, i sent a modest contribution
bonnie, my wiki disdaining research librarian, said why??
but i always start big research projects w/wikipedia . . .
The peace of god in our lives
(1) The peace of eternal security with the assurance of our salvation.
(2) The peace of good conscience, of no known sin unconfessed.
(3) The peace of knowing God’s will, of God’s direction.
(4) The peace of knowing that God will supply.
7 Charles C. Ryrie, The Grace of God, Moody Press, Chicago, 1962, p. 53.
Grace is always appropriate
God's grace is limitless and sufficient for all things.
Grace as the divine influence which operates in humans to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous impulses, and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation;and as an individual virtue or excellence of divine origin
Grace is gods mercy in the salvation of sinners
And the bestowing of blessings
There is a difference between sin and mortal sin, am I going
to think of them as sin or go back to weakness and flaws
charis as grace, charisma as joyous gift
when its used properly
excercises crossing over to facilitate the ability to do so
become conscious of moments of grace, your own and
that of others, grace happens everywhere all the time
once you open your hoodoo eye and see
her use of grace as ‘the success of gods universal desire for us to be fully human,
fully alive’ is what I deal with for fa I believe, look at this when you get a chance
the hebrew chan is favor, grace, charm,
hindu claim grace must be earned thru rightness
islam claim is that grace comes only from allah/the great mojo
hindu descent of divine grace as turning point in spiritual evolution of bonded soul
the soul, the life undergoes total transformation
grace as mature responsibility for life and its tribulations
‘the wise in Israel appreciate life, love life, value it and enjoy it, they appropriate the best learning, newest knowledge and most inengious cultural achievements, (make this a hoodoo trait, geas)
“book In Man We Trust, ‘affirms the world, celebrates culture and affirms human responsibility and capabity (human agency)
‘3 wisdom affirms that folk have primarty responsibility for their destiny the choices one makes and the fidelies one honors have an affect on destiny (every second ever moment does) folk are capable of choosing wisely and deciding responsibly, wisdoms see human beings in teir strength, in their courage to function responsibly
4 wisdom believes that persons are meant for an orderly role in an orderly universe, our rightful destiny is to discern that order and find our responsible share in it
5 wisdom is the celebration fo the human person as lord of creation in concert with the natural laws
cannot value the faith community over the human community
duiscover the great mojo in thhe most surprising places
and you can call yourself blessed
when you identify weakjnesses you must be willing to face them
accept them and finess them, a demon that no longer controls you
you have lost the race when your exitence is self centered
no matter what you achieve
the divine favor we call grace is a function of community
your own community, that of humanity and all things
the commuynitty of god as the microcosm of community
the community of the cosmos, the cosmic oness
she speculates that the cosmos is our primary community
a system in which we seek our functioning place
the redemption experience became dominant Christian mode
the spiritual overt the physical sometimes divorces us from natural phbneom
the most solid act of grace is caring for those in need
what does it mean to fall from grace
is it too little or is it too much
grace, like anything of the spirit, can only be judged by its fruits
a good mate is the very definition of grace
sin (flaw) as the choices to live in illusion, to avoid vision
the bonded soul actively searches out moments of grace
the flesh is only an instrument of the soul seeking grace
all experiences are learning process, chose what you aspire to
divinity as godhead, transcendtal, ephemeral, conjurational
notes from book of quotes on grace, worked:
grace is many things to many peoples
or some it is a sense of style, for some
grace that defines them at their best, for
some evidence of gods care, for all it
is a sense of the divine in all things
that that calls of us our very best
grace is a gift of the divine but it
can only manifest in the world
grace transcends tribulation, grace is triumphant
grace enables the soul, grace ennobles it
the sleeper awakened, the weak protected, the strong guided
grace knows not logic, it doesn't have to make sense
without grace we are but animals in the field
medival latin: god does not refuse grace to those who do what they can
emerson: all writing comes by the grace of god
Dryden: all below is strength, all above is grace
Anon: the will of god will not take you where the grace of god cannot keep you
Compassion is not dependent on worth
If you are compassionate only towards the
Deserving does this make you of the elect
Sometimes you get so caught up in what you want you don't appreciate what
you got, We do not recognize grace for what it is until we have lost it
Shower compassion on both your friends and your enemies
counter them if you must but understand them both
Fitzroy: my father felt that ‘all good things come by grace
and grace comes by art and art does not come easy
Heart and generosity of spirit, I look for
Opportunities to exercise generosity of spirit
Opportunities to open up my heart, exercise it
Acts of grace manifest the god within
Grace is gods greatest power
Philo: be kind because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
anybody you envy you just don't know them well enuf
The greater the challenge the greater the grace
the quote was ‘the greater man, the greater grace’
Trying to rework it but I said something different
Wisdom might be rejected
grace & compassion lingers
Muller: to forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love
Its is the blessing that maintains itself
It take great strength and power to forgive
The weak are incapable of this feat
Sometimes youo can only do what you can
And trust in the grace of the great mojo
Pursche: never bite when a simple growl will do (suffice)
Grace reveals itself in form, simplicity, essentialness
the fewest move necessary, done in restrain and grace
Whatever you do it should count, your every move
should be a study in power at rest
Anger lessons grace, and diugnity
all these things fall before anger
I prefer things be tightened up at the end
But life rarely has a beginning or ending
Life is mostly process
You say grace before meals, I say grace
everytime I sit down to struggle w/the page
Thank you, lord, just let me finish this one
then we talk, another 10 years please
Redemption: ‘ perhaps the greatest grace is redemption, wholly and
complete forgiveness, everyone of us falls from grace from time
To time, we are all prey to anger, grudges, decision and other
Weaknesses, thru the grace of god, the grace of others and the
Grace within our own hearts, honor,, faith and dignty are restored’
It is thru grace that you are allowed the graceful life
grace enables everything it touches, grace teaches you
How to life
It is under pressure that you are truly tested
it is your Fa to be able to choose your path
So, came time for the babajohn to determine which of his acolytes
would be chosen for further training, what is the name, he asked of the
beggar who has stood on the corner outside for the last three years of
your study, only two of them were able to answer and those two he kept
i got more actually but you get the idea
and maybe an idea of what this research
phase is going to bring to the Text (& me)
im gone, life in the spirit by oden is 500 pages
small print with provocative observations crammed
into each paragraph, even at research march speed
its going to take me forever to do an extraction there
i got a good 100 books damn near as powerful but
when im time constrained like i am now (always)
i do the ones that have the nost potential 1st cause
when the bell ring for rest, this drafting got to be done
and the hodoo book of flowers incorporating my
new understandings of grace, et al, i cant wait
im gone, i got to start wading thru that text
all my love
PS: god help me so im reading it and its so rich
so i skim thru it to see if its sustaining the power
and its like if i can encompass this work it will give
me so much power, right now its feels like more
than i can handle but all i got to do is dig in, whats
clear is that it will take more than a weekend or 2
i will give it march, hopefullly it wont require all march
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