sat 7/6 4:47 vancouver ca
hello world, it may not surprise you to lknow that
i am still buried into rest, what can i say, wojo iis
doing the layout but im doung it soo as to learn
iin design and its been real frustrating but one
does what one has to do
hhave gotten deeply into bonsai
overdid it like i do,must have about
10 plants now including two baobab trees
can you imagine, who knew you could have
a bonsai baobab, i like the idea of tree art
in vancouver for the summer indian fest
hiut last night and i nailed it, i got this
whole new tech i call hands flyiing and it
went magical last night, standing ovation
an of course since im still working on
the hoodoo book o9f flowers still doi ng
research, these are the raw notes from
person, divinity and nature by chukwunyere kamalu:
Change mmulatressa to maat
The goddess maat is the eptian god of justice who weighs souls against a feather, I they are blameless and their sins lighter than the feather they are allowed to pass, if not they are consumed, her focus on justice, on law and regulation was part of eypts attempt to regulate the liifegiving nile, to master its rhythm
His position iis that many of the folk of west Africa migrated fromm the nile val=ley
Collapse of oyo and the death of king awole in 1796 sl avery flourished
yourba were no longer able to defend themselves
Queen Nzinga declared her territory free and any slave who made it there was free
Ritual connects the matteriall world with the spiritual, the visible with the invisible
The jome soul as the coordinator of the multiple selves we are
the intrigy of the person ammpngst a;l; the pulls on them
the one that organizes all the selves into a viable char, preferably illuminated
So is it the traveling spirit that he is saying is responsible for living out your destiinmy
Sound like hr saying its thr traveling spirit, don't knonw if thaht works for me
I have been thinking as the hohjme spirit guarding the intrity of the individual, defense
An the traveling spirit as the one thaht
Where did I get idea tht nommo means power of the word to forge new realities
The 266 signs of amma forged the world thru the word, the nommo ogo tried to usurp ammas power by stealing the word that creates and amma removed his tongue so he was not able to say it
Im doing the same thing the sabiny ellders did, studyingthe tradition to see what tradiitions need updating, which need to be abandoned as not suitable for current life and which need to be reshaped
He talks about all the mu;tiiple personalities that contend within the individual and it's the home soul that provides the iin triigy, the soul, the spirit, the soul felt right just now, the spirit did not
He says the ‘destiny sellf’ coordindates
Destiny binds,legba unbinds
Figuring out legba and destiny but what about destiny and the conjuror
More than just disrupting orderm, iuts got to be somettbihng proactive
The whole thing of chopopsing and living out your berst destiny
The traveling spirit as cosmic guide to oneness with the great mojio
Igbo practitioner is a diajiba
Lady preseshet, 4th dynasty, 1st recrded female phyisian
Traveling spiuriit as guardian spirit, the aggressor manifesting in to the world
On learns to istgen to the voice of fa
The highest calling of life is to manifest your destiny, to have
Agency, to use your agencyto mmake a better world, to enhance the human condition
The ancestral guardian, that which has been transmiutted generation to generation
Unconscious dreams, lucid dreams and out of body dreams
When jubilation sends huis traveling soul on the destiny path
cast your vision young hoiiodoo as far as you can see
The home soul organizes all the manyselves into the greatet self
Without this the delicate balance falls apart, wo the great mojo
Oral incantation effects autosuggestion
Good and evil can only be judged in relation to others
Rplace mulatressa w/maat
Detibny is an unknown, how do youio manimfest it,makje it explicit
As you llearn yourself you lerarn yyour deswtiny
Badluck as the ancetors ;’lettrig their protec tioon slip’
The pedestal of ptah, upon this rock I stand
;I made a foundation in my heart by means of my own will’ papyrus of nesi amsu
Ptah hotep the ioldest book. The pprisse papyrus
the crossrioad,m where decisions are life changing
Life witghouto chance would be barren
To build I must 1st break
Everybody is gifted w/fa but most squander it
Bambabaraland lifeforce is zo-nyame and the vibration for ‘transwmissionn of the word is yereyereli
Home as knowb orediictable, world as no
All the aloof high goopds made mad by the womabn with the pedasal and leaves soo not thre liue the abrahami gods
Thanking the land when extracting resources is pantheism, everytign has a spirit
Have jubilation sending out his traveling spiruit into the future scenarios searching for the one that will bring about the future he wants, do a series of those to be refined
sun 6/23/19
hello world, i am in the zone, dug in, the hardest
part is its just a drudge, hour after hour of focus
and wanting to do anything else other than wrestle
with the page but i love that the work is growing
so im inputting redpen into text now, should be
done by tonight sometime but if not i will def be
done by tiime i meet up w/wojo at 12 tomorrow
have incorporated all my raw notes, this is an
example of how raw notes become text:
the conch horn should only be blown in times of greatest need, when survival of the tribe or slavery is at stake, the importance of the conch must be instilled generation after generation thru story and ritual so when the conch does call it stirs the soul, a gathering of the tribes, bring shield, bring spear
(note became this text, got placed in crossroads, not gathering . . )
4: when the french finally captured macandal the slaves were commanded to watch their wanga man die at the stake, where is his power now, the french taunted, but when the flames were lit, macandal screamed and leapt from the pyre, the french swore they threw him back in but the slaves knew better & all that night conch horns echoed thruout the mountains - macandal is free - the conch should only be blown in times of greatest need, when survival of the tribe or its enslavement is at stake, hopefully you do not hear the haunting refrain of the conch in your lifetime but still you must know its power, the importance of the conch must be instilled generation after generation thru story and ritual so when the conch does call it stirs the soul - a gathering of the tribes, bring shield, bring spear, battle has come to us,
''battle has come to us' is a battle cry of black farmers of
the sudan fighting off arab slave raiders, somewhere
i have it in its original language, ima find it and use it
and again be accused of being too twisty / obscure
but im very proud of the fact that almost every beat
even the most mythical, is historically and culturally
based, came from historical and cultural sources
when folk challenge me and start breaking my shit down
they will find they cant go deep enuf to out-authority me
(all that damn research i been whining about)
the hoodoo way is to know what history knows
what history dont know is where i get to play
basically my work wont fully come to life
until scholars start breaking it down for folk
im gone, got a lot of work to get thru today
one of the hardest roadblocks is not knowing
if my vision is true and if im leading the people
wrong, for instance i am uncomfortable anytime
i bring up the conflict between blacks and arabs
but there are some things need to be said
and thruout the text i use shield and spear as
a metaphor for war but i fear its questionable
romanticizing archaic africa or something
but the image speaks to me, ima keep usiing
it and accept the charge if somebody lays it
almost every decision ive made in this
text i have twisted msyelf in what if knots
these 2 are relatively minor quandrys
what if im wrong making it a black
text instead of a universal one
what if i should have gone religious instead of magical
should i have put more of me in or less of me in it
what if im wrong about the nature of god, etc etc
final analysis you got to jjust trust yourself, trust the
process, i got to go, i got so much work to do
there is no rest for the weary
thats my backyard bottletrees, storm took one
a sacrifice to the gods of literature, to ensure
that my work serve many generations
im so gone, all my llove
frid 6/21/19
for awhile there i was panicking, finiished research push
sat down to do last revision and just could not get into it, had
like 6 days to do 9 segments, dooable, no slack but doable
1st day i struggled w/that 1st segment, was not into it,
had to strugglle to stay focused, was discouraged by
the so so quality of the new imputs and the work itself
basicall im just burnt the fuck out on it, do not feel like
reading it again, 2nd segment i just put it down halfway
spent two days just spinning my wheels on otger stuff
and being afraid that i was just burnt out and ready
to call it a day but today im back in the saddle, ive
done two segss today, i tell my students all the time
schedule days off or you will take them anyway and
feel bad and that is apparently whata happened
i needed a couple of days off
on segment 5 now, looks like i
i will have this done by monday
to give to wojo after all -
supreme good fortune
tues 6/18/19
hello world, finished the winnowing
could continue but im in a ruthless
State of mind, about to start weaving
still raw but what can i do, will keep
cleaning, also when im worn out will
read the god book and the wisdom
book - be a good headset to be in
so this is what ive wiinnowed from all taht trash
still trash, still wiinnowing but at least itss coherent
and ive noted which section to weave into
ima try to fiinsh this today and get started
on reall mmanuscript thiis evening
take care
past, the present and the future are all contained in the timeless instant of eternity - and the word that enables it – demoja - it is thru art that we can grip eternity and hold it in the palm of our hand, clock time is our attempt to master time, to put it to work, mind time is times defiance of mastery, mind time can stretch an hour into eternity, encompass eternity in an instant, but even clock time is relative, folk experiencing it different at different heights and speeds, when we reach for the stars we will be on diiff clocks than the planetbound, common sense says time is the same for everybody but generally speaking whenever common sense and science go head up science generally wins
if the universe is a conscious entity, god, what would the point be, what is its goal, clearly this is raw speculation but id say harmony maybe where all the universal pieces are working well together and that the song it sings is sweet, folk doing astrology are like trying to attune themselves to the dane of the stars, trying to be part of the celestial harmony
To known Fa is to remember that no matter the adversity, you have the power to choose how you will deal with it, the hammer is always a crossroads, an invitation to grace
it is a survival trait that cause humans to cooperate with each other and sanction those that dont, social taboos are inoculations against disease and disorder
sciences perception is that every event must have a preceding causal event according to natural law as we currently perceive it
science should and must be driven by a desire to enhance the human condition and a relentlless obsession with the truth of things, in spite of its legendary elusiveness,
crossroad points are temporal points that open up certain destinic possibilities while closing down others, the future is an infinite array of possibilities with various %s of potentiality, crossroad points remix the array, set up new paths to desired realities / futures, solidify them,
both theistic and nontheistic system try to orient the practitioner with a more illuminated reality, be it deity or a way, as in tao, zen or the mojo
the human mind / imagination is designed to be subject to illusion, one of its strengths and also its weaknesses, you know it's a delusion / illusion when it does not have causal effect in the world, when the only one it affects is you this, is the case even with art and other individualistic pursuits like magic, or prophecy, you got to be able to bring that power back to the world in a usable form
on a cosmic scale human life is the barest blink of an eye, the minute you born the clock is ticking and you falling behind - become conscious quck as you can, settle yourself, choose your path, articulate a contribution to the enhancement of the human condition, devote your life to it, and the care of loved ones, die easy, satisfied, I done good, short time I was here, I done good,
if we were to wipe ourselves out or fall prey to a random asteroid, the immensity of the universe would not even notice our passing – but if we do survive, expand, get off the planet spread out amongst the stars and continue to shape our environments we are likely to be true force in the universe, (though when you see what we done to our current planet this might not be such a good thing) – transhumanization might allow us to finesse the end of time / universe theories, transit before the big brake / crunch / freeze / lurch / rip / singularity / whimper / whatever,
same way we have evolved from early organisms crawling in the mud thru apes, cro-magnons and such, this is not the final stage, in iain banks culture when folk die their consciousness is loaded into the collective, in the novel aristos the elites are capable of conjuring entire solar systems in their collective reality, domains over which they rule as gods, quirky, crazed or benevolent, one physicist speculate being uploaded into magnetic intelligences that can exist in the nothingness of space, that might be able to create new universes, new big bangs, quien sabe –but this I do know, we are still, if we don't get wiped out, in the early stages of our evolution and future folk will wonder how we had enuf sense to come in out of the rain, they will consider us crudely formed savages, some of them will insist that they couldnt possibly be related to us -
free will and agency means that sometimes humanity is not at its best, sowing death doom and destruction in its wake - its like a trade off
if part of the legacy of science and the scientifc approach is the dehtroniing of spirits as causal actors why does this not apply to the greatest spirit of all
The soul is where the individual converges with the universal, the divinity
The soul can only be consciousness, what else can it be, weak at birth it becomes stronger as we become more self aware, more self guided, its evolution the measure of your growth
If the soul is consciousness, and I believe it is, then what role the immensity of the unconscious mind, perhaps it is the unconscious mind that links us to the universe, the divinity, the great mojo, which would account for its turbulences, the times it gets away from us
Know me in your heart and I will know you in mine
The need for integrity of the homesoul, every loss of integrity leaves your soul damaged
blues gospel according to ray charles: Ive fooled around the way blacks have been doing for years, playing the blues to different rhythms. that style requires pure heart singing. Later on they would call it soul music.
wrestling with your demons is the only way the soul defines itself, a journey fraught with peril but well worth the risks, It is only by digging deep into your sufferings and your fears and anxieties rthat you will become soulful, by gaining perspective on them, by paying the freight, the shadowy depths of the unconscious,
a hunter brought home a strange looking kill, an animal they had never seen before, do not eat it his grandmother said, it is a soul eater, a demon, you think you consuming it but in truth it is consuming you, we must burn it but eldest son was adamant, it is a meal he said, only a meal, and so he ate it, no one else in the family would, the next morning he was dead but he did not rot and grandmother would not let him be buried undead, the ancestors will not accept him, his soul is in torment - on the new moon grandfather told youngest brother to prepare for a hunt, my eyes are weak, my hand trembles, you must be my vision, my strong right arm, bring the palm wine juju - and so they went into the bush and stayed until they found an animal much like the other, trapped it with the juju and crushed its head, burn it, said grandfather and so they did, and when they returned to the village they found older brother with his head crushed and truly dead, they buried him with full ancestral honors,
the loss of mojo often entails the shattering of your faith in yourself, the vision of who you are is no longer tenable, you must find a new you - you can tell when you got your mojo back and you moving thru the world with confidence again, alive again - when you lose your mojo accept a period of fallowness while your batteries recharge, patiently focus, you will know when it returns, I got my mojo working is the best song ever,
MYTH hook up w/scratch??)
there is a man walking around downtown memphis carrying a satchel filled with contracts and 50 dollar bills, if you sign over your soul he will give you $50 dollars, for some reason he give some folk $100, nobody knows why he think some souls worth more than others,
I aspired so fiercely to be a wise old soul without actually being old (too late)
For many years I aspired to be wise and then when I finally achieved wisdom I gave it all to pride
What the hero brings back from the heros journey is generally just a story, a baby myth
There are many roads but only one path, the roads are all hard ones, beset with trial and tribulation you must surely bear, when the hammer fall you must remember your calling, you are hoodoo bound and in trouble you only grow strong,
it was the end of an era when wagadu fell to the moroccans, their shields and spears as useless against the guns of the Moroccans as they were later generations against the british msxims, the irony is that the wakauri elites of songhay turned down a chance to buy readily available guns they could have easily afforded with their gold wealth, the scribes of Timbuktu will tell you it was because of the botched sacrifice of a goat, because loss of nyama between warring brothers left it vulnerable to conquest but they never mention the guns, diff folk judge power different I guess, and so they were destroyed, many wakuri executed, legendary scholars like ahmad baba al massuli al tiimbuktu, exiled and, ljke ansar dine, years later, the moroccans tried to destroy the books of timbuku, destroy its legacy – and yet the gods refused to let the glory of the songhay die and every morning the city of gao floats into the clouds , the bullets of the moroccans always fall short and it escapes unscathed, to rise again the next morning, and the next, unto eternity, look, that glow you see inm the middle of the sun, thats gao the eternal, rising, do not gaze upon her long, it will blind you,
the bella and the taureg, the hal-pulaar and the beydanes, if we can free the slaves what good are we, the sons and daughters of slaves, the same sense of privelge responsible for the destruction of the Songhay was also responsible for azawad and the rape of Darfur, the rise of the ______ and the Janjaweed, Ansar dine instrunment of arab natioinalilsm, the peulhh, the black arabs, identify arab and are true believers who often jihad often against each other, eleohants that trample the black farmers between them, Iyad ag ghalis arabist claim to blood rule of the blacks, The Ansar diine tried to smash the tomb of sidi yahia but all they destroyed was the building
when salif keita joined the rail band in Bamako the keitas, of the line of Sundiata keitas, disowned this turn fromn noble too nyamakala, griot, servant,
the self, the home soul and grades of consciousness
effecting a multitude of personalities depending
African American culture still values magic, still believes in hoodoo even when they sneer at it, magic works because the culture believes it does, blackfolk want to believe in hoodoo, and hoodoo magicians, blackfolk actually quiete proud of their conjurors, when folk realize im retooling hoodoo for the 21st century they are eager to partake of the power,
a successful conjuration (reality bend) entails 1st the disruption of the current reality, the questioning, then successful small group agreement on the new paradigm, alternative states of consciousness, it become a way, a few folk valuate the conjuration, other folk see it work for them enhancing their lives, manifesting power, significance, serenity, agency, other folk sign up and the conjuration becomes a cultural thread that either evolve or devolve,
magical word packets can be prescriptive wish magic, saying it is so makes it so (so let it be) and/or performative, actually affecting current reality (this I vow,)
acts of grace can lifechanging for both the giver and the givee, it's the small curtsies that folk remember, amiri once did me a solid that he probably didnt remember but it meant so much to me and I will always love him for seeing what other folk didn't - wise advice may or may not linger but kindness is never forgotten, everyone in life is fighting hard to survive a kind word or deed is a hoodoo blessing by the grace of god and the power in you, the generosity of spirit that defines you, be kind, the greatest blessings are those that cannot be repaid
grace is what you find when every thing else abandons you, grace transcends, grace overcomes all obstacles, grace is what you find at the crossroads where your mundane daily grind meet the divine
let us identify daily moments of grace, like the time you did not correct a mistake or did bot insist on privilege, slid somebody unexpected slack, did not take offense personal, times when you repaid injury with hoodooed blessings, when you found yourself greater than you are
you struggle and you struggle for grace then the testing comes and you fail the test
and once again proven you not there yet you can pass it many times but you only
have to fail it once to wonder if you will ever truly know grace or be forever slave
to the appearance thereof – be patient, be steady
everybody gets the blues sometimes, but if you hold on there is always the 3rd line
cede the insignificant points, build up credit for when it counts
if its not essential its illusion, anything that's not of the spirit, the eternal, the essential, is a fleeting illusion, fleeting - soul fevers like hate, insecurity, pettiness, jealousy, envy, anger et all, are distractions, therefore illusion - illusion as focusing on anything that's not truly significant, thats not eternal and of the spirit, anything that aint gathering up mojo, being caught up in illusion is shedding mojo, it is the ongoing quest for significance that prioritize the eternal over the transient
when you have been given great blessings would you cheapen it by demanding more, be thankful annd do not stand on privilege,
it was dzugudini, granddaughter of the monomatapa, had a son with no father, when her own father attempted to punish her, her mother stole his rain charms and taught her daughter how to use them, this power saved her and reunited the warring family under the auspices of mudjadiji, ruler of the day, rain queen of the lovedu and embodiment of the rain goddess, khifidola maru a daja, transformer of clouds and guarantor of seasonal regularity, at the turn of the 21st century, makhobo, 6th of the line, was chosen, and on that day blessings rained down upon all the people with divine abandon and great abundance,
rituualization sanctifies
Me and god got a understanding.
me and god got a complicated relationship. My understanding is that science has freed us from the rule of spirits, no longer do we believe spirits have casual primacy, science dedicates itself to searching for casual chains but if we have been freed from the rule of spirits, why not the greatest spirit of all, god as a conscious watchful consciousness is not really viable, humans like their gods in their own image, folk you can talk to . . . .ima work with you, im not going to try to take away your gods, ima take the multitudinous gods of global africa and wrap them all up in the great mojo,
6: come listen to the conchhorn sing the great prayer of africa –
you divinity, come, come ogotemmeli, come speak, we listen, grandfather nyikang I spread the palm of my hands in prayer, adroa, transcendent, oloddumare, come to me, kwoth, come to me, imana, all praises, wele, grant me serenity in the storm, and haragakiza, every day to thee I pray, tilo, hear me, en-kai, lead me, tamukujen, own me, owo, bless me, ruwa, hear me, wondrous, chieng, though all stand against me I shall not fear, come asis, come ankore, and mutalabala the eternal, and lord ngewo, deliver me, kurumasaba, sanctify me, chuku, I call on you, mbamba kiara, grant us rain, and you deng great ancient one of surpassing greatness, do not forsake me, o imanna, if only you would help me, khmvoun, hear our call, merciful nhialic, turn your eyes on life, let blessings abound
in your name leza, nyame, hear this call, nzambi and yataa, and unkulunkulu of the zulu, come come, mwene nyaga, come, soko, come, kyala, come, oyigiyigi, please come, ota aiku the mighty immovable rock that never dies, nana of the akan, seweth the heavens like kente, winnamof the mossi, mungu, let me be a healing, ptah, who thought the world and said it in a word, come down apedemak, wargod of de nubians, come down from jebal barkals, peak attend me abesami, she who grows in power, asobe, I stand before you, nzambI, there is sighing & difficulty, abuk, patron of women and gardens, where are you, and you, androa of the lugbara, transcendent beyond experience and knowledge, mawu-lisa, move me,
nhialac remove the pain of all creature great and small, tomukujen, behold my victories, it is well, my enemies are scattered, it is well, lenana I pray this be a good day, o earth, dear earth, be gentle with me and I will be gentle in my turn, murungu, let the great ones gather, hello morning, let us gather up the mojo, this is yours, kazooba, this is yours, ruhanga, this is yours, rugaba, accept my offering, ruwa, take me by the hand, epilipili, hear my plea, o engai, grant us life, it is you, nyankonpon, who alone is great, to nzambi the glory, what you have made is good, I sing omarari, I cry omari, let thy wrath cease, akongo come, mokango, bring aid, mokango, bring help, makango, jouk, judge me worthy, asobe, wash away todays sins, let me begin again,
mokanga, the great elder, the great mantle which covers us all, anna, , in your care I cannot fail, will not fail, domfe say I, thy will; thy way, o ruwa,, protect me, meketa of the kono, I am pure, asis, mutulabala the eternal, kanu, beat the drums, huveane, alouroua of the baule, let the souls of the people cool, bilikonda the everlasting eternal one, dear mercifull imana, I am in distress, where will I go, what will I do, where is there room for me
olodummare, rise up in me, ruhanga, , see me, see me, godfather were, know me know me, kalumba, kanu, nyame sees everything, nyambe, ala & chuku, let me be thy instrument, woyengi, asa of the akamba, protect me, modimo, remove all evil from my path, abassi and atai, chiuta, bring rain, mbongo, bring rain, thixo of the xhosa, dongo, thundergod of the sonhay, wuni, come, nommo of the dogon, come, tsui-goab, shape shifting thunderer and most high enlai of the masai and nzame of the bantu, supplier of many cattle, njambi, are you there, faro of the bambara, are you there, tilo, all praises, qamata, all praises, njambi, all praises, mwari, take your praise, listen makongo, I come to praise, nasilele, we praise, lozi ngewo-wa, blesxings abound, nyalitch, in your grace, ditaolane, are you there,
huveane, kalumba, most high ngai of the kikuju, come down from kilimanjaros seat, enekpe, rugaba, shilluk, kaang, kwoth of the nuer mysterious god of unknown things, mbere, bantumodimo of the tswana, mboko the great mother, mukuru, the old one, legba, oshun, and de conqueror, jah rastafari
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