THUR 7/11 8:47 am
iim in, cloclong pages and mooving god awful slow
but im in, did two whole pages yesterday, mostly
extracting weak beats for this round,, no holes as yet
triimmed my favoriite bonsai this morning
cut off all the new growth trying to shape it
no idea what in doing, i put the one im working
on on the corner of my desk and just stare at it
from diiff angles, trying to see what it wants to be
this litty biitty one hasnt arrived yet
i got to go, i got to get back to work
if i want to get my two pages for today
just going para by para now
extracting what aint strong
will enhance next go round
this is just to make text roughly
reflect new understanding
i got to go, when im working
on my novel and aopproaching
zone, all my other troubles recede
also the bonsai have been cooling
me out, my latest bid for serenity
o so fleeting serenity
WED 7/10/19 morning sometime
so i work in sequences, fix them one at a time
the primary sequence is the prophetic one so
ima fix that 1st cause all the others play off it
spent morning working out sequence, now
i go into text and roughly make old text fit new
concept while filling holes w/raw narrative
then do it over and over till i can
move on to next sequence
already wreathed in frustration but i am so
happy to be working on my novel again,
i thought this bonsai was larger, turns out its
a little miniature but i love it because its tiny
the best description of bonsai ive seen is that
youre going for the 'illusion of ancient little trees'
back to work, all my love
narr deconstruction working as long as beats strong and viable, may cut voice/instru beat
vague vision of fort pillow, the call from mc and the boys, set us free
2ND VISION, othella and man cargo narr decon, VAGUE,
a vague othella and man cargo, seque into the actual scene, the boys need to be
put to rest / work, knockings disrupting his focus, staggerlee don't want him focused
3rd VISION, othella and man cargo, CLARITY,
just happens to have text with him, why, visions clear this time, when do visions start leaking into life
4th RESISTING THE CALL use play bet the 2nd and 1st pov here?
stackolee needs to be more gangsta / dangerous,, antipathy to chosen people thing has to be compelling
what are jubilations demons, soul stealing, chosen people & universalism, transcending his tribal roots
what is the process of accepting the call
what role mcargo, stack, hand, angel, nan and the queen mothers in putting call on him
the more he works on the text the stronger his visions come
solidifies the path thru his work, as text evolves visions do
the more he works on it the stronger he sees his visions
staggerlee is trying to distract him with killings, this has to be conviincing
the truly creative word, nommo, and jubilation try to conjure a new world into being
queen mother sends him on cleansing quest to prepare him for prophetic mantle
send him back into who he was, tells him to take a tree to the babajohn
qm as matrix oracle figure, angel as oracle in training, learning to trust herself
what role mcargo, stack, hand, angel, nan and the queen mothers et al
the desperation thing,, the I got to get my work done before i die thing
god why are you doing this to me, I thought we had a deal
But he has violated the deal by withdrawing from the fray
galactic custodian of universal destiny, galactic prophet, cosmic griot – dramatize it?
moves from resistance to accepting himself as an instrument of the great mojo
after confrontation at the crossroads, jubilation is an icon at the river, staggerlee walking around downtown memphis carrying a satchel filled with contracts and 50 dollar bills, if you sign over your soul he will give you $50 dollars, for some reason he give some folk $100, nobody knows why he think some souls worth more than others,
wed 7/9/19 11:55am
hello world, diggiing into novel finally, just
saw an olldface book post congratulatiing
myself for finishing it, 2010, no telling how
many times ive done that, but hopefully
this push will do it, or not, i dont really care
anymore, im just gon do it and let it be
whatever it wants to be
by the time i ediited down the notes from
the person and diiviinity book i had maybe
two paras, made me work on clarifying my
speculations about the home soul and
the traveling soul but i dont feel like it was
time well used, no more research, somebody
stop me if i pick up another tome
deep into my bonsai, must have
spent over a thou on plants and
pots, if a regular person would
be satisfied with one ive got about
15 now counting the ones still in
transit from as far as israel and
germany, this one iis from florida
and way over budget but that wont
stop me, problem is im an obsessive
which works for art and stuff but not
so hot for life sometimes, i got to go
i got so much work to do
and i got to step away from
the bonsai, pray for me
ive started giving away earlier plants
gotten before i found my groove, for
instance i gave a sweet little pre bonsai
still wired to dii, who took care of serenity
while both bonnie annd i were gone
ima give away what i dont want
and keep only the special ones
like the one in the photo - if i get it
my birthday is coming up and i tell
myself it will be a birthday present
to myself, problem is ive already
used that multiple times lately
im gone, all my love
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