JAN 5 2024 the cuse
big ocean blues AI word by rdoc
im so proud of mmyself
so got this idea to do a wisdom tale for each
of my 52 segments in the hoodoo way
mmost of then retellings of tales from
global repertoirebut i really really want
to do my own in an attempt to found an
afrospiritual wisdom tale tradition
so was working on aug 23, service
and was trying to think of one of the
many wisdom tales of the workd i could
twist into an afroamm in the manner of
thw sufi tales built aound historical wise
folk and long story short i been frustrated
but this morning i twisted a memory
into a wisdom tale usinng two of mi
historical colleagues, louise merriwether
and bj ashanti, i am so proud of mmyself
this is the story for the Service segment
where i advocate for a Life of Service
me and the great poet bj ashanti was once walking down
harlem's 125th street with queen mother merrweather when
we passed a nasty drunk sprawled on the sidewalk halfass
in the street, we stepped around him as did all the other
pedestrians when the queen mother chastise us severely,
how you gon call yourselves of the elect when you
capable of leaving a fellow human lying in the gutter
me figuring out i can use actual memories and
other folks wisdom moments is a big deal
and it facilitates me mythworking mi colleagues
life is good, god
i love the arena