FRIDAY (last one must have been thursday - quien sabe)
(had to do a rewrite, my tonals were strident, had to step back)
since this stylee week, lets talk orginality and plagiarism
martin de leon pulled my coat to my boy salvador taking incoming
seems this shane jones, author, i use the word advisedly, of the the light boxes snatched concepts, characters, passages, tonals, structure etc from people of paper and called it legit
jones partisans jumped sal, wheres the harm they ask, sampling is a legit artistic tech nowdays
like i said in reality hunger post, everybody steal, what artist dont build on whats come before, but there is an ethic to stealing, you digest it, you make it yours, you dont just steal,
dont have to define artistic thievery, everybody know what we talking about, so now we
got jones partisans declaring that orginality in art is overrated - o the shame of it all
past your influences you derivative, i dont care what you call it, and if you steal
folks ideas, words, concepts and characters you a thief, where is the art in that
recent interview by sal still crying foul - insult to injury is moviedeal, acclaim and dollars
sal didnt get, but such is the literary life, sal got the respect and i expect him to move on
he who steals from my youth steal trash
the real tragedy here is that im reminded just how profound, complex and moving
the people of paper is, downright depressing, i like to think my novel as a pathfinder
but compared to the people of paper im barely in the game, i need to read
it again, see what i can steal - once again best to keep in mind something
aishah rahman told me a long time ago - once in my callow youth told her i wanted to be the
greatest writer ever lived, she said art, thats not what you want, you want to sing your song
the best you can sing it, that way you can appreciate other folk singing theirs
all my love
finally reach the stage where i enjoy working on this novel, every hour i work on it now makes it better - and to think i have a whole 4 month period of making it better, life is good
recent proclamation by vir gov mcdonnell of confederate history month has opened some interesting worm cans
not only was it civilwar revisionism but it didnt even mention slavery, this is in keeping with the confederate apologists position that the civilwar had nothing to do w/slavery
it was about states rights, a grand old way of life, etc, but surely not slaves and that blacks and progressives who insist that is was need to get a life and move on
some apologists claim that only a few southerns were slave owning elites so the confederate soldiers who died were fighting for their own causes
more like they were fighting for slave owning elites who tricked them then and trick them now into championing causes that are not in their own self interest
like being against health care
of course vir proclamation of independence claim itself aggrievance a slave holding state, lets go to the text:
The people of Virginia in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, adopted by them in convention on the twenty-fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, having declared that the powers granted under said Constitition were derived from the people of the United States and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression, and the Federal Government having perverted said powers not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slave-holding States:
conservative black backers, sheila johnson of bet and douglas wilder, the 1st black governor
professed to be surprised that the repub they supported over the dem would do such a thing
shelia johnson, dismayed that the politican she thought bought and paid for had wandered off the plantation, wrote:
“I must condemn Gov. McDonnell’s proclamation honoring ‘Confederate History Month’ and its insensitive disregard of Virginia’s complicated and painful history, the remnants of which many Virginians still wrestle with today,“ said Johnson, an African-American business owner.
“The complete omission of slavery from an official government document, which purports to be a call for Virginians to ‘understand’ and ‘study’ their history, is both academically flawed and personally offensive. If Virginians are to celebrate their ‘shared history’ as this proclamation suggests, then the whole truth of this history must be recognized and not evaded.”
after a day or so of stonewalling mcdonnell backed up w/2nd proclamation proclaiming slavery as uncool
strictly political expediency, we know where his heart is
what, i must ask, did sheila johnson expect of him, she need to go back to her bootie butt videos and
leave the real world to those of us who really care
the moral of this story is that black conservatives should not be surprised when they lie down w/dogs they get fleas
on the flip side, organizing for america, is doing a summer training camp for organizers
that is so cool, the rightwing being using this to train their farm team of poitical/community organizers
wish i was willing, wouldnt mind having a little training on my organizing skills, but tis i believe a young persons game
all my love
ive reached the point now every day i write on it i make it better
a more fitting legacy, ive reached point now where its fun
4 months of woodshed will make it tight and right
it will take an act of god to knock me off this groove
wow, has it been a week, i been on a shamans quest, looking for power
working on my vision
have always prided myself on my spiritvision,
frank richs column yesterday refer to obamas ability to be all things to all people
call obama a shape shifter
thats a power i wouldnt mind having myself
how does that translate into the realworld
i have in my professional life attempted
to deploy traditional magical powers in a contemporary manifestation
is shapeshifting being all things to all people or more what the power demand
i dont have time to work this, got to clock pagesrdoc
well its official, when asked what he checked on the census
the whitehouse replied, obama checked, black, africanam, negro
in case there still any confusion, afroams have always been a bastard race
why would we give up the one drop rule just as its working in our favor
making us an expanding race/culture instead of a contracting one
giving us pretty good positioning in the multiculti 21st century
i grew up with blackfolk looked white and would tear the heart out
of somebody try to deny them their blackness
blackness is a state of mind
what we got to do is make it so cool to be black
that everybody in the world want to claim some
ima give them a mission greater than their adversity
ima give them a destiny
thinking about style today, cause of this novel, and my soph fiction class
their 1st groping efforts towards style
figuring out how you like to tell a story
mastery of craft that facilitate
your particular voice
the delicate handling baby steps require
thinking about this novel of mine
how i hope its a masterpiece
how it could so easily be a farce
sylee so unortho its hard to tell
i had a vision, a literary vision, saw this novel i wanted to write
sat down to write it conventionally and it just wouldnt dance
for awhile that cause me to question my own literary value, which
would be fatal, in a literary world that deny me
to sing - for a variety of reasons
some high some low, all good
all my love
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