hello world, did my esf baobab society presentation
it didnt go over that well, i mean it was okay, im always okay
but i didnt dazzle them, you can always tell
knew the speech wasnt right for them when i walked in
i cut out most of the black oriented stuff because it was truly multiculti
and the black stuff would have bored them, i kept some but most i cut
that didnt leave much
then the political components didnt go over well i could tell
they wanted motivational rah rah and i call myself raising issues
that would make them think but they werent in the mood for political
i could tell immediately upon walking in
tried to give it a different flavor while doing it but that just made it raggedy
i would edit it down here to reflect final speech but im not feeling it
not one more moment of worktime ont his piece, im moving on
also i preached at them when it was a more initimate environment
i should have adopted a more conversational tone, ohwell live and learn
my trouble dont last storywork would have blown them away
but i was too eager to reprise the convocation victory
flops are part of being a mack, sometime the magic dont show
you got through the motions but the magic aint there
ever more resolved to say no mas
wasnt worth the anxiety, the sense of failure
i disappointed them - why go out of my way to chase the blues
got the community service flag waved at me again today and i reluctantly said yes
but ima call back and pull out - i got to focus - its so hard to tell folk no - no mas
that will be my mantra henceforth - no mas
ohwell, moving on
two of my endgame obligations out of the way
last hoodoo lit class today (good discussion on the cattlekilling)
and the baobab society presentation - check
one good thing - got my hoodoo divination chain from papa gede nibo bey lakwa
got it a couple of days ago actually but was hesitant about opening it
i carried it around in the mailer for a couple of days, waiting until the right moment
i figured this was it, give me some fortitude for this presentation
so i did and it did, its a wonderful work, just wonderful,
i threw and i threw and i threw
it will encourage me to throw
it will encourage me to get
the hoodoo book of flowers done
this chain gon be a tribal legacy
the 1st hoodoo divination chain
good looking out papa gede nibo bey lakwa
i owe you (a rdoc legbawork, got to get to the studio)
in the name of the conqueror
am flowers of the delta clan flowers and the line of o killens. I am
mganga muau. high hoodoo and babagriot of the hoodoo way
(conch - lord legba, its is i rickydoc rootdoctor ask that the gate be opened -
that the work be done - this is an invocation to struggle – for these are trying times)
well esf and the baobob society, finally made it, missed it a couple of times
thanks for asking me, repeatedly - my apologies for
standing you up before
i am really touched and honored that you asked me, oh i remember esf in the
house, this the wildbunch – and having that kind of tribal relationship with
students of color means a lot to me - esf in the house
then the question, what to say, I already gave you my best lines at convocation
thinking what is the moment, about to go out into the world and seek your
your destiny
thing certain is that life will knock you around some
best thing I can say is never give up, that’s the only thing fatal, giving up
times get hard, just keep on keeping on
is an interesting moment in your life, the whole world yours to shape and mold
these are particularly interesting times for people of color
the imperial presidency, the rightwing ascendancy and iraq we seem
be in a couldn’t happen in america moment
say he dont need no clothes
say who
you gon believe, me or your lying eyes
these been some real interesting
historical times
one of the forces shaping america is its evolving multicultural reality: its
your world
putting pressure on everybody to step up to the plate
are many issues of the 21st century that are particular to people of
an interview where this korean american was talking about how she felt when she
heard the v tech guy was asian and how she hoped this wouldnt further
stereotype asians as asocial and I
relate cause the 1st thing I think when I hear stuff like this is
hope he wasnt black
you know whatever one black do reflect on all blacks
suspect the arabs get it whenever there is a terrorist on the loose
like everytime one do something wrong we all get the whats wrong w/you people
whether you want to or not – representing, all for one and one for all
representing sometime work against you, sometime it work for you
certain pride when one of ours achieve
not he or she, its we did that
folk be trying to do the individual thing but on a certain level we always
particular you achievers, you counterelites, what dubios called the talented
- you who would be leaders of your people –heros and sheros all
-carryiong the hopes and dreams of all the folk whove come before you
dreams of your family, your tribe and all humanity
got responsibilities other folk dont
for you and i, we
have been blessed
and there are certain responsibilities
that come with blessings of this sort
we talking
leadership now
now in order to
represent well, to be good at heroing, at leadership
it behoove you to be a force in the world,
to practice what I call destinywork,
what I call the longgame – shaping generations
strategies are ideological orchestrations designed to shape generations, to
train us into the kind of people we want most to be - this is the essence of
conjuration - conduct yourself as you aspire to be and you shall.
instance aids - stopping the scourge is the quickgame, using the magnitude of
this hammer to make good health practices a cultural trait is the long , then
we will have turned adversity into strength and turned the trick – otherwise
its just a tragedy
seats for progressive politicians in 2008 is the quickgame,
de legitimizing the rightwing impulse in american politics is the long
using the 2008 effort to institutionalize our power and make us better more
sophisticated players in the electoral system is the long – training ourselves
in power is the long
the american soul is the long, calling on it to live up to the dream of what
america could be, that’s the longgame, shaping souls
aspire to be a man of power
I wanna be a hero, a leader of my people
to walk w/harriet tubman, with martin and malcolm
zora neale and ida b, I want to walk w/those who did what they could
hit a straight lick with a crooked stick
a wouldbe leader and man of power
i am systematically concerned w/the ethics of power
to be exemplary, I cant be no leader out for himself
to make a buck, power for powers sake
mean more than that
commitment and sacrifice, mean taking care of the people
everything you got – guide and guardian
wanna be a hero, i wanna represent
like to broke my heart when I missed that baobob commitment
that aint representing, that aint being the model of struggle
I want to be to you
word is bond, my word is iron
tell you ima do something ima do it
wanna be a hero and heroing dont come easy
just what is effective activism in the 21st century
just what constitutes effective change in this world
ideological competition its not the strongest force that wins but the most
innovative ones, fighting todays battles with tomorrows strategies
still think of mobilization as 60s style mobilization - antiwar marches, online
petitions, letters to the editor, etc - the makedo strategies of the weak and
powerless - but more info based approaches possibly more appropriate to the
historical moment
most effective mobilization of late has been that of the rightwing ascendancy.
which forged new infobased techniques of shaping public opinion and mobilizing
their forces (wasnt for bush and iraq they would still be going strong).
even mastered that model yetmuch less come up with something new, something
aint been seen before, thats your job, I got your back, something that evolves
and trains us as we struggle into the people we want our generations to be
do i get instead. - reparations – begging by any other name is still begging.
did begging, waiting for the powers that be to give us something get to be the
primary strategy of the 21st century, whatever happened to self
determination - reparations fails the test of effective longgame,. longgame
should train us to be the people we need to be
will train us only to be better beggars. is this the best post-most-favorite-minority
strategy we can come up with. is this the best strategy we got for the 21st
century – begging - give me a break blackpeople, work with me
in the world you got blackpeople they are on the bottom of their respective societies,
everywhere, that aint nobodys fault but ours, somehow someway we must transform
into strengths the weaknesses that have crippled us in global competition
an ongoing cultural process, deciding which cultural traits are
functional and worth nurturing
which are counterproductive and must be left behind
thought theyd fire imus but lo and behold they did
felt sorry for the young sisters he dissed but hopefully they dismiss the ravings of a fool
you know o regulators the only reason folk like this think they can call us any
old thing
is cause we do it ourselves, bitches niggers and hos - all the time
cultures are simultaneously dynamic and entropic, a constantly fluctuating
blend of strengths and weaknesses. – everyday we shape our culture
through its cultural products, manifesting into it what it
needs to transcend its challenges and finesse its weaknesses - the wars over
gangster rap and mercenary, escuse me urban literature, are wars over our
cultural traits, our destiny, our fate, our fa
aint the problem, imus is sidegame - so we got imus out - now if we can just get
those knucklehead gangstas to straighten up and fly right we be good to go, got
to keep insisting its just as wrong for blacks to perpetuate this as it is for
about racism is like a sailor cursing the sea because its wet – surely by now
we have factored racism into our strategic posture - no, we got to be on it, we
have to take responsibility for our own condition and quit blaming other folk
for it, that dont get us nowhere fast
whats really critical is that we have to define our
challenges well, they really have to address the stresses of 21st
century engagement or our energies will be diverted into sidegame that doesnt
move us on the board
health education and welfare is pretty consistent, as is economic security and
the various empowerments - economic, political, social, cultural and my personal favorite, community empowerment –
globalization and political polarization, etc etc, but the fundamental issue of
the 21st century will be racial identity in
a multicultural reality
identity - as you well know its a ticklish question
much is a problem, as is too little
want to jack up obama, claim he aint black enough and lord know politicians are
heartbreakers by definition, boy want to be president he probably gon have to
make compromises I wont approve of
obama could easily have claimed to be multicultural, or cablinasian or whatever
passing is called these days – and blackfolk always been a mixed breed, cant
have folk turning their back on the blackness, on the blessed onedrop rule,
came down on the blackhand side and he doing it with the dignity, boy seem to
be looking for a new groove, ima slide him some slack, give him room to be a
politician, and see how he dance - show me what you got son
that multiculti background of his is so 21st century, and just what
we need to get right with the world, obama would be really interesting after bush, globalization constantly shrinking this world of ours into a oneworld
multiculti reality
exclusively tribal you putting yourself outside of the historical flow
you cant turn your back on your people either cause they suffering
in the world you got blackpeople they are on the bottom of their respective
- cant blame everywhere on nobody but ourselves, somehow someway we must
the weaknesses that have crippled us in global competition
if the leaders and the achievers abandon the people, the people going down
on somebodys rooftop with the water rising
babagriot david walkers words as good today as when he said them
during the great gitting up morning, "our greatest happiness shall
consist of working for the salvation of our whole body. when this is
accomplished a burst of glory will shine upon you which will indeed astonish
you and the world."
how do we as overachievers maintain allegiance to both our two
both tribe and all humanity,
by equating our struggles with the struggle for human dignity
by taking responsibility not only for our own struggle and our own
destiny, but for the destiny of all peoples and all creation great and small-
by positioning ourselves as guide and guardian of humanitys destiny – of humanitys
eternal struggle to evolve, to be better.to be, greater than it is
showing america there is a better way
world and fundamentalists everywhere
is a better way
in the final analysis the battle will be one of grace
is the better way
you come to the crossroads always take the highroad
strive to be better than you are.
thoughts, your actions, your institutions, your world
is clear to the old rootdoctor that our struggle must be as much spiritual as
it is political
to be a better way
remain forever vigilant, we maintain an ever evolving, multifaceted strategic
posture - some moves bold and strong, some hidden in shadows, some waiting
silently in the wings.
of strategy: the key that opens all locks
how does one live a life rich in grace and comfort
that is still yet one of absolute and lifelong commitment to struggle - what babajohn o killens, the great griot master of
brooklyn, called being a longdistance runner. what i call the longgame
give up children, that’s the only thing fatal
take your punches you keep on pushing
weve come such a long such a long long way – but we still got so very far to go
and when the hardtimes come, they always do, I want you to hold
on, you must be strong
you fight the battle nobody else could win
(conch) nobody else could win
listen o traveler to the geas of rickydoc and
i will give you a mission greater than your adversity
masters of the longgame
i will give you a destiny
the sleeper, protect the weak, guide the strong
when you need me you call me i will come
am rickydoc
that is all
this spell is done
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